Signs You Are a Coffee Addict ...


Signs You Are a Coffee Addict ...
Signs You Are a Coffee Addict ...

Can you get started without a cup of joe? Is your day incomplete without multiple hits of java. Can you pass by a Starbucks and not resist going in? You could well be a coffee addict. Seriously lady ... let's see.

Snapshot Survey

What's your go-to comfort food?

1. Is It the First Thing You Think about when You Wake up?

Is It the First Thing You Think about when You Wake up? Addicts will need a hit of their drug of choice whenever it starts to leave their system and their body starts to withdraw. Sleeping gives your body lots of time to metabolize the caffeine, which is why cravings happen in the morning.

2. Do You Consider Yourself to Be a Heavy Coffee Drinker?

Do You Consider Yourself to Be a Heavy Coffee Drinker? Wouldn’t you say that heavy smokers and/or heavy alcohol drinkers are addicts? If that is the case, wouldn’t you say the same about heavy coffee drinkers?

3. Do You Have Several Types of Coffee at Home?

Do You Have Several Types of Coffee at Home? Many addicts become experts in their choice of drug and will often indulge so much that they need some sort of variety if possible.

4. Is Your Mood Directly Related to How Little Coffee You Have Had?

Is Your Mood Directly Related to How Little Coffee You Have Had? Withdrawal will make you do crazy things and will have a direct influence on your current mood and your personality whilst you are an addict.

5. Can You Go a Full Month without Coffee?

Can You Go a Full Month without Coffee? This is a classic test that alcoholics do to themselves. If you struggle, then you may have a problem.

6. Two or Three Cups Doesn’t Give You Your Desired Buzz

Two or Three Cups Doesn’t Give You Your Desired Buzz You are drinking so much caffeine that you are tolerant of it, and there is so little calcium in your system that you are unable to produce a decent adrenaline buzz.

7. Will You Allow Other People to Sip Your Coffee?

Will You Allow Other People to Sip Your Coffee? Being overprotective of your coffee and being unable to share is a sign you may have a problem with coffee.

8. Do You Get a Headache if You Miss Your Usual Hit of Coffee?

Do You Get a Headache if You Miss Your Usual Hit of Coffee? There are numerous withdrawal symptoms, and one of the semi-psychosomatic ones includes a headache or pains when a habitual intake ritual is missed.

9. Do You Make Silly Decisions when Your Lust for Caffeine Has Taken Hold?

Do You Make Silly Decisions when Your Lust for Caffeine Has Taken Hold? Withdrawal makes you think negative things, and in order to remove such feeling, you are drawn to your addictive act. However, if the path to your addictive act is difficult, you will make silly decisions and do whatever it takes to reach your goal of indulging.

10. Drinking That First Cup in the Morning Doesn’t Even Touch You Anymore

Drinking That First Cup in the Morning Doesn’t Even Touch You Anymore You have built up a tolerance that shouldn’t be at this level in a morning if you are an average coffee drinker.

11. Do Your Nails Appear to Be Very Weak and Bendy?

Do Your Nails Appear to Be Very Weak and Bendy? To keep a long story short, calcium is metabolized to make adrenaline that powers your caffeine buzz, and your body is so low on calcium that it is using less on the production of your nails. Your bones will soon start to become brittle too as your body draws calcium from them. This is especially a problem for people that drink coffee without cream.

12. Does a Lack of Coffee Make You Prone to Anger?

Does a Lack of Coffee Make You Prone to Anger? The reason for this is because you consider your addiction to be a solution to “something” and when your potential faux-solution (consumption) is limited or removed you resort to any other course of action, and the easiest course of action is anger.

13. Do You Become Very Defensive about Coffee?

Do You Become Very Defensive about Coffee? Being passionate about something is fine, but when does a passion become an obsession?

14. You Cannot Be Productive without Caffeine in Your System

You Cannot Be Productive without Caffeine in Your System This is partly because your adrenal gland is overworked and incredibly strained. The other reason is because you have made caffeine a big part of your daily intake to the point where your body suffers to function correctly without it.

15. Is Reading This Making You Want a Cup of Joe?

Is Reading This Making You Want a Cup of Joe? There are things called addictive triggers that remind your conscious mind (your awareness) of your addictive act. A lack of triggers and a preoccupied mind may forget addiction for a while and even overcome all the nasty things associated with withdrawal.

16. Ever Tried Drinking Coffee as a Way of Losing Weight?

Ever Tried Drinking Coffee as a Way of Losing Weight? Addicts will try to justify their addiction any way they can, so following clearly untrue and illogical ideas is quite common.

17. Part of You Worries about Dying from a Caffeine Overdose

Part of You Worries about Dying from a Caffeine Overdose All drugs may be overdosed on, and a caffeine overdose may send you into shock.

18. Do You Get a “hit” from Drinking Coffee?

Do You Get a “hit” from Drinking Coffee? When your body adjusts to having a chemical inside you, it will sometimes give you a hit of endorphins.

19. Your Local Café or Shop Already Knows Your Order before You Sit down

Your Local Café or Shop Already Knows Your Order before You Sit down This may be a sign that you are an addict, but it is highly subjective and dependent upon your situation.

20. You Have Very Specific Tastes and Likes when It Comes to Your Coffee

You Have Very Specific Tastes and Likes when It Comes to Your Coffee Being particular about your coffee is fine, but for some, getting it right becomes an obsession that makes them intolerable to other people when they try to make them coffee.

21. The Smell of Coffee is Almost Intoxicating on Its Own

The Smell of Coffee is Almost Intoxicating on Its Own People that are addicted to a substance are often addicted to the many things surrounding it such as the smell.

22. Is Your First Vacation Thought One about Where You Will Get Coffee?

Is Your First Vacation Thought One about Where You Will Get Coffee? The idea of not getting your hit may be very scary for you, which means when you enter a new place you will try to scope out the local café scene.

23. Do You Finish One Cup Faster so You Can Have Another?

Do You Finish One Cup Faster so You Can Have Another? The need to consume quickly is a classic sign of a compulsive disorder related to addiction.

24. Do You Criticize Other People when They Make Coffee?

Do You Criticize Other People when They Make Coffee? You may consider yourself an expert in coffee and nobody else can make it as good as you. If this is the case, is it possible you have a problem with coffee?

25. Is the Mixing and Making Process a Magical Experience for You?

Is the Mixing and Making Process a Magical Experience for You? A mild obsession with coffee and coffee making is a symptom that you may like coffee a little too much.

26. Do You React Badly or Angrily to People That Call You an Addict?

Do You React Badly or Angrily to People That Call You an Addict? The reason is because you know you are and the fact that it is so noticeable to other people is upsetting to you because you thought you were concealing it rather well.

27. Have You Been Told to Cut Back by Somebody?

Have You Been Told to Cut Back by Somebody? When other people start noticing, then it is time to take a good hard look at yourself.

28. Do You Always Need to Urinate Because You Are Always Drinking?

Do You Always Need to Urinate Because You Are Always Drinking? Sometimes the most telling signs are the most obvious, and a need to urinate frequently means you are drinking too much of something.

29. Decaffeinated Coffee Just Doesn’t do It for You

Decaffeinated Coffee Just Doesn’t do It for You Some addicts will say they just like the taste, but if that were true then they would like decaffeinated as much as regular coffee.

30. You Seem to Spend a Lot of Money on Coffee when You Actually Add It up

You Seem to Spend a Lot of Money on Coffee when You Actually Add It up Being low on money because you spend it on one thing repeatedly is a sign you may be an addict.

Do YOU drink too much coffee?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

A great way too relieve from being an addict is replacing coffee with normal hot water or unsweetened tea. If you need your caffeine, then black tea is highly recommended.

I have a friend who is an addict. I love coffee as much as the average person, but she drinks it pretty much all day

Neecey, I think some of these are spot on...but others are a little mom, who never drank coffee in her life, adored the aroma of it brewing lol...and I love coffee, I really love it in the morning, in fact I'd say I need it, but I wouldn't say it's an addiction☕️☕️

My name is Brittany and I'm an addict.

Chai lattès are my type but i'm not an addicted to it...honestly

I don't drink coffee to wake me up, I drink it as a snack

This sounds just like me!! I so can't help it.... I have a K-cup and a regular coffee maker and use both on a regular basis!' And hit Starbucks up 2 times a day!!

I tried a whole three days without coffee once. Headaches got so bad that by night three I had to make a cup.. 30 minutes later I was fast asleep.

I only drink coffee like, twice or three times a week.

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