7 Best Apps for Working out ...


I am such a fan of workout apps, and I've narrowed all my favorites down to the top 7 best apps for working out for you all. We all know it's great to listen to your favorite tunes while you're huffing and puffing away during a workout, but your phone can do more for you than provide you with a great playlist. Here is my personal list of the best apps for working out. Be sure you share yours with me too!

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1. GymPact

GymPact itunes.apple.com
This app actually PAYS you to workout, definitely making it one of the best apps for working out of all apps. Yes, you heard me right. You actually get paid to exercise now. In GymPact, you pledge to workout a certain amount of your choosing each day and pledge to pay other users a certain amount if you don't workout. When you log in to confirm your workouts, you actually get paid when other people fail to do so based on what they wagered to pay if they missed their workout. This app is so much fun, almost like a game and a job at the same time! Best of all the app is free!

2. My Fitness Pal

My Fitness Pal itunes.apple.com
My Fitness Pal was rated the best weight loss and fitness app of all time this past year. This is one app you don’t want to download and forget about. It really can help your weight loss efforts through its comprehensive lifestyle assistance. It gives you the calorie content of your food, complete nutrition analysis of your food, gives you a personalized diet plan based on your goals, provides you with exercises for beginners and progresses as you move further along into your health journey, and best of all, it automatically loads all of your information onto the online database so you can access your information anytime on a computer or tablet. It reminds you to workout and gives you the estimated calorie burn of each of your workouts. Cost is free!

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3. ISmoothRun

ISmoothRun itunes.apple.com
If you’re a serious runner, this app can be your best friend. With built-in GPS, everything is accommodative to your run, including traffic light information, weather warnings, alternate and alternate routes. You receive voice cues from a trainer, a specific workout, and there is also a pedometer built in. Cost is $4.99.

4. MapMyRun

MapMyRun itunes.apple.com
Perhaps one of the most popular apps for runners is MapMyRun. This one has been around for quite some time, but with constant updates to the app, the features are better than ever. Featuring a built-in GPS, pedometer and heart rate monitor, MapMyRun can help you find inspiration through logging your runs into the MapMyRun website, which helps you share your success and running goals with others. Meal plans, food diaries and more are also offered on the MapMyRun website. This is a great way to connect to your social networks and even find people in your area with similar running interests. Cost is $2.99 for the GPS version and the original is free.

5. WalkJogRun

WalkJogRun itunes.apple.com
This app is designed much like MapMy Run and features GPS capability. It will give you routes designed around traffic in your area, and allow you to select how many miles you like to go, or how many minutes you’d like to run. It integrates everything into the equation so you don’t get stuck in traffic or miss a turn and get lost. It can help you find new ways to sight see in your area, along with giving you challenging changes for your routine. Cost is $4.99.

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6. Fitness Buddy

Fitness Buddy itunes.apple.com
If you want to build muscle and enjoy strength workouts, you are going to love Fitness Buddy. For only 99 cents, Fitness Buddy features over 1,700 exercises, over 1,000 HD photos and videos, an exercise by muscles feature, a muscles map and over 45 full-length workouts. You can also enjoy your music while you work out.

7. IBody

IBody itunes.apple.com
iBody turns your iPhone into your own personal health and fitness advisor. You can use it to keep a fitness journal for your workouts, jogs and bike rides. It keeps track of your target weight and how many calories you're burning, in addition to your cholesterol and blood pressure. The option to register up to three additional users and passwords means you can partner with a friend and motivate one another.

If you're looking for a great way to up your game in the gym or at home, I highly recommend these apps for working out. What are your favorite apps for working out?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I have my fitness pal i love it the only one i liked so far and i try all of them

I love the nike training club it's free and you get to unlock recipes .. Awesome app love it !!!

My Fitness Pal is a great resource, when I remember to use it lol :)

I agree! Nike Training Club is amazing!

Lose it is also an amazing app :)

Agree completely with everyone that has mentioned Nike training club I use it all the time.

Fitocracy is also one worth a try.

Lose it was nice when I started and was watching my calories, but the calories they give you was way too low for me. I do love the Nike Training Club!


You totally forgot Nexercise! You get rewarded for working out and you get to buy cool stuff with your points. It's definitely kept me on point and motivated to keep working out. You can friend people and they can nudge you to work out as well. There is also a chat room where you can get song ideas, motivation tips and you can even run with people who live close to you or you can know that your Nexercise buddies are doing the same things as you are! It's awesome for gamers as well because you work towards different achievements on different days. It's just awesome! (:

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