7 Best Foods to Eat after Running ...


You go, girl! You just finished a run and now you’re in that post-5k glow… but in a few minutes, you’re going to be wicked hungry, so it’s time to think about what to eat after running. You’ll want about 1 gram of protein for every 3 grams of carbs, but how does that compute to an actual post-run snack? Here are some suggestions of things to eat after a run… so grab a bottle of water, bask in your after-glow for another minute, and get ready to refuel!

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1. Clif Bar

There’s a reason so many marathons and 5k runs have Clif bars or other protein bars available at the end of a race: they’re a handy, convenient post-run snack. They’re designed to eat on the go, so you can just grab one, with its protein-packed goodness, and go on your way…

2. Peanut Butter Bagel

Carbs and protein? Yes please! To get the most bang for your post-run snack, enjoy a whole-grain bagel, toasted or plain, smeared with all-natural (no sugar added) peanut butter. It’s sure to get you re-fueled and re-energized… and it’s quick and easy! This is exactly what to eat after running a quick 5k or even after your morning mile!

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3. Berry Smoothie (with Greek Yoghurt)

The natural sugars and antioxidants in fresh berries will perk you up, and the protein in Greek yoghurt will help you build and keep lean muscle. Really, a berry smoothie with Greek yoghurt is the perfect thing to eat… err… drink… after running!

4. Banana

Running, even just a quarter-mile, will give me side cramps unless I have a banana first. But there’s no reason small bananas can’t be the perfect things to eat after a run, too! They’re loaded with potassium to help prevent cramps and they’re portable and convenient to pack for race day.

5. Oatmeal with Fruit

What runner wouldn’t like to fill up with a little fiber? Oatmeal is an ideal post-run snack, especially if it’s prepared with fresh or no sugar-added fruit, like berries or raisins. Add a little low-fat or skim milk for extra nutrients to fuel up after a run.

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6. Carrots and Hummus

So far, this all sounds like breakfast food, doesn’t it? Here’s what to eat after running in the afternoon: carrots and hummus! The hummus provides long-burning energy to keep you motivated to finish the rest of the day, and the carrots have a huge helping of healthy antioxidants.

7. Don’t Forget to Rehydrate, Too!

Whether you’ve just finished a quick mile or endured a full-on marathon, you’ll need to rehydrate. My favorite rehydration drink is chocolate milk, but you can also try Gatorade, beer, or humble but incredibly effective water.

With so many marvelous ideas of what to eat after a run, there’s no reason to crash and burn! Which of these post-run snacks do you like best? Or is there something else you nom after a race? Please share!

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I've seen that the pb Clif bars have like 21 g of sugar and are 240 cals. I do the couch-to-5k workouts and I burn around 170 calories right now (I'm only on the first week haha!). Is having the Clif bar an OK thing to have? It has more calories than I burned during workout so I don't see how it'd help me lose weight. :(

Oh, I also really like the planters trail mix nuts w/ chocolate. It's 150 calories for 3 tbsp, which has 11 sugars. Is this okay for a snack after a workout?

But that still doesn't make sense. Say I burn 200 calories in a day. If I'm supposed to consume less calories than I burn, I'd have to consume less than 200 calories! I don't understand that concept at all.

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