9 Body Hacks That Will Help Women Everywhere ...


9 Body Hacks That Will Help Women Everywhere ...
9 Body Hacks That Will Help Women Everywhere ...

Sometimes, BuzzFeed has some pretty helpful advice. They create videos, like the one down below, that help you in everyday life.

This video in particular has tips for falling asleep, staying awake, and surviving your roughest days. What kind of tips, you ask?

Well, if you speed reed, it'll trick your brain into feeling more energized. Something a simple as looking at the color red can help you as well. And, of course, cold water always does the trick.

For more tips, check out the video:

With these hacks, you'll never fall asleep on the job again! What other body hacks can you share with all of us?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

hey that's my friend on the cover photo πŸ˜‚

Does anyone else's videos on this app not play the volume? Am I doing something wrong?

Sarsar !! Your name means : cockroach in another languageπŸ˜₯😹😹😹

You have the do not disturb button on πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚lol a million times over

My works. Try it again

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