9 Common Health Problems Caused by a Systemic Yeast Infection ...

Heather Jul 12, 2014

I’m sure most of you have heard of a yeast infection and may have even had one at some point in your life, but a systemic yeast infection is very different than the type you’re likely familiar with. Systemic yeast infections occur when our inner bacteria levels become out of balance and our healthy bacteria becomes depleted or overwhelmed by bad bacteria, which are known as yeasts. Foods such as sugar, refined grains, processed foods, and alcohol all destroy our good bacteria and cause bad bacteria to get out of hand. This causes a systemic yeast infection, which means the bad yeast now controls the whole body, not just one or two areas. It can make you incredibly ill in a very short amount of time and can occur from taking antibiotics, birth control pills, eating a diet high in sugar, or suffering chronic stress. A systemic yeast infection can also lead to other health problems, such as some of these below.

1. Sugar Addictions

One of the main health problems caused by a systemic yeast infection is an addiction to sugar. If you constantly eat or crave nothing but sweets, it's because yeasts actually feed on sugar and require it to survive. A diet that kills off yeast is virtually free of sugar for this very reason- so they yeast will die. Sugar, however, doesn’t only feed bad yeasts but also kills off your good bacteria in the process.

2. Alcohol Addictions

Yeast also feeds off alcohol in the body and can cause a person to feel out of sorts even if they’re not drinking alcohol at the moment. If you regularly crave alcohol of any kind, you should consider that it could be a true dependency caused by a systemic yeast infection.

3. Chronic Fatigue

One of the most common symptoms of a systemic yeast infection is chronic fatigue. This occurs because the body is literally exhausted from trying to fight off the bad yeasts but doesn’t have the ability to do so due to a weakened immune system. Sadly, it’s often just coined as something else, such as fibromyalgia, because many medical doctors still don’t believe systemic yeast infections even exist.

4. Body Pains

Just like chronic fatigue, body pain is another major sign you could have a systemic yeast infection. The yeasts can cause the body’s nervous system to weaken, along with a tolerance for pain. Yeasts also contribute to inflammation and since most people with an infection crave inflammatory foods like sugar and alcohol, the cycle can become never ending.

5. Skin Outbreaks

Acne, itching, scaly skin, or general skin outbreaks can all be a sign that yeast has taken over in the body. The skin is your largest organ and the one that mirrors your body’s detox organs. When your detox organs like your liver and gastrointestinal tract can’t efficiently excrete the toxins they encounter, the body will try to exit them through the skin instead. This is when outbreaks occur and are a direct sign that the body is out of balance.

6. Depression

Depression is another major sign that you could possibly have a systemic yeast infection. If you’ve ever been on prescription drugs, eaten a high sugar diet or a diet high in processed foods, been on birth control, or suffered a major illness, it’s likely that your good bacteria have been depleted. Yeasts can ruin the mood because our good bacteria is actually responsible for helping produce serotonin in the body that prevents depression from occurring in the first place.

7. Anxiety

Anxiety and mood disorders are another direct cause of yeast overgrowth. A diet high in sugar, wheat, processed foods, and additives have all been linked to anxiety, food allergies, and yeast overgrowth. Eating a diet rich in vegetables, healthy fats, clean sources of protein, and unprocessed foods is the best way to treat and prevent anxiety through the diet.

8. Food Allergies

Many people also suffer from multiple food allergies when they have a systemic yeast infection. This happens because the body’s immune system is weakened from the yeast and it starts to see a large variety of foods as invaders. In defense, it throws up mechanisms to fight them off, such as allergic responses. If you seem to have multiple food allergies you didn’t before, it may be something to consider.

9. Endless Hunger

If you've ever heard someone say, “I’m just hungry all the time,” or if you've even been there yourself, a yeast infection could be to blame. Yeasts trick the body into thinking it hasn’t had enough to eat because the yeasts are actually feeding on a majority of the food (which are usually processed foods and high carbohydrate foods like sugar and refined grains). Yeast will use anything that turns to sugar in the body for food, which increases hunger and leads to overeating.

If you would like to learn more about systemic yeast infections, a diet that can help, and other signs and symptoms, feel free to check out some of the resources below. Are you familiar with systemic yeast infections?

Sources: thecandidadiet.com, bodyecology.com, emedicinehealth.com, huffingtonpost.com

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