7 Essential Oils That Make Life Easier ...

By Laura

When life just doesn’t seem as though it is going to give you a break any time soon, essential oils can easily come to your rescue. Feeling stressed, being unable to sleep, and consistently worrying, are all occurrences that can come to a standstill if you apply the right essential oils correctly. You can add them to your bath water, sprinkle them on your pillow, or even create your own perfumes. The following oils are easy to get hold of and highly effective at making life easier.

1 Lavender for Relaxation

Lavender for RelaxationOkay, so lavender is one of those essential oils that is super easy to grow. I have a flourishing bush in my back garden, which is pretty astonishing when you consider that the UK isn’t exactly warm. According to the University of Maryland, lavender directly promotes relaxation. Fortunately, you don’t have to grow your own to make the most of it. Not only is it available in essential oil form, you can find it in perfumes, body sprays, and bubble baths.

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2 Chamomile for Anxiety

When you feel as though your nerves have frayed beyond all recognition, chamomile can come to the rescue. There is some evidence to suggest that it also helps alleviate the symptoms of PMS. If you suffer from anxiety in social situations, having a handkerchief soaked in chamomile oil to hand can make a big difference. If you don’t feel as though the oil is enough, try chamomile tea. Tea bags are available from most major grocery stores.

3 Bergamot for Anger

Even the most serene of us feel angry sometimes. This is where Bergamot comes in. Bergamot is known for being excellent in an emotional crisis, so it is useful having some to hand. Keep it stored away in your bathroom for those days when people are driving you nuts. I know that adding a few drops to a warm bath certainly helps me simmer down!

4 Peppermint for Nausea

When you mix peppermint oil with a carrier oil and rub it onto your chest, it can work wonders for nausea. There is also some evidence to suggest that it keeps bugs at bay, which is certainly handy when the summer comes around! This oil is great for those experiencing morning sickness or motion sickness. If you want to explore peppermint’s amazing benefits further, try the tea! It has been used for hundreds of years for stomach cramps relating to diarrhea.

5 Clove Oil for Aching Teeth

We’ve all been there - your tooth is firing out an insane amount of pain signals and you can’t see a dentist until the next day. In this sort of situation, clove oil can save your sanity. You need to be very, very careful when using this oil. Add one or two drops to a cotton wool ball soaked in olive oil. Apply it to the offending tooth and it should have a lignocaine-like effect. Be warned: if you apply this oil directly, you’ll just exchange your tooth ache for a crazy burn instead.

6 Sage Oil for Headaches

Clary sage is a great alternative to Tylenol when you want to get rid of a headache pronto. You can add it to a carrier oil and massage your own temples. Alternatively, drop a little into a handkerchief and breathe it in when you feel a headache coming on. As well as being good for headaches, clary sage is excellent for anxiety. This means you will do particularly well using it when your headache is brought on by stress.

7 Valerian Oil for Sleep

I am no stranger to a bad night’s sleep. Despite engaging in all of the great ‘sleep hygiene’ practices recommended to me by my doctors, I still find myself tossing and turning some nights. Valerian is great for combating this. In fact, herbal sleep remedy manufacturers use it a lot. It absolutely stinks though, so consider mixing it with a little lavender to save your nostrils being offended.

All of these seven essential oils are great to start out with if you are a beginner to using them. While those suffering from medical problems can often find no better remedy than medicine itself, essential oils are a great way to take charge of your own health before small problems become big ones. You can use yours on your pillow, on handkerchiefs, in burners, or in a bath. If you love any particular oil, what is it and why?

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