5 Exercises for Your Eyes ...


5 Exercises for Your Eyes ...
5 Exercises for Your Eyes ...

We all take the time to exercise our bodies and some of us even our minds, but we totally forget about things like our eyes. The best way to minimize eye strain, prevent muscle deterioration and maintain optimal eyesight levels as well as keep them healthy is to exercise them. Here are 5 great exercises for your eyes.

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1. Open and Shut

Squeeze your eyes shut as hard as you can for about 5 seconds. Open them and let them rest for another 5 seconds. If you repeat this action about 7-8 times during one session. It is much more important to be regular and consistent with the eye exercises than to overdo them in one session. If you are sitting in front of the computer all the time, these kinds of exercises will be sufficient if done once within an hour period.

2. The Clock Test

Stand in front of your imaginary clock and stare at the centre. Look at any imaginary number, but move only your eyes and not your head. Return your line of sight to the centre. Repeat this at least 12 times or so. And, if you are feeling tired, you can complete this test with your eyes closed, in fact it is as beneficial.

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3. The Moving Pencil

Take a pencil and hold it up in front of your eyes at arm’s length. Focus on the pencil and move it slowly towards you in line with your nose. Make sure that you continue to follow the pencil with your eyes until it starts to get blurry and you can’t keep the pencil in focus. Repeat this exercise 10 times.

4. Alphabet Eyes

Stand in front of a blank wall, focus on a spot in the middle and make yourself comfortable. Start using your eyes to make out the alphabet, or even words, write a story on the wall using only your eyes and do not move your head at all. The bigger the letters or the words, the better the benefits. Although this may seem frustrating at first, give it a chance, you will start to enjoy it.

5. Relaxation Techniques

Once you have completed your eye exercises, you can start doing a few eye relaxation techniques to help prevent your eyes become overtired or exhausted from doing some muscle work. Rub your hands together to warm them up and then place them over your closed eyelids. You can even use a warm towel on your hands followed by a cool one, always make sure you end with a cool towel. Massage your neck, forehead and cheeks but avoid your eyes.

A few general notes:

• Never apply pressure to your eyes, you could damage them.
• Always consult your optometrist before commencing with any exercise.
• If you wear contact lenses, make sure you remove them beforehand, otherwise, you could dislodge them, and they could tear, or fold over resulting in severe discomfort ability.
• Keep eye drops handy in case your eyes start becoming dry as a result.
• Wash your hands so that you don’t end up transferring irritants to them during the exercises.

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