10 Great Quotes from Jillian Michaels ...

Melissa Apr 28, 2012

10 Great Quotes from Jillian Michaels ...
10 Great Quotes from Jillian Michaels ...

Quotes from Jillian Michaels always make me smile. She has got to be one of my most favorite celebrities. I fell in love with her a long time ago when The Biggest Loser first began. She has some of the most inspirational straight to core quotes that always seem to give me strength and courage. I put together some of the best quotes from Jillian Michaels in hopes to inspire you too.

1. The past Doesn’t Define You, Your Present Does

I constantly have to remind myself of this. We all have a past. We have all made choice or had moments that we aren’t proud of. However, we don’t have to let our past mistakes define who we are or control the choices we make in the present.

2. This is Where It Matters the Most. This is Where Lives Are Made, in These Moments when You Can Choose Whether or Not to Say “I Can’t” or “I Can.” It is a Choice That Will Either Make or Break You for Life

I always think back to this Jillian Michaels quote when I am working out. Sometimes I am pushed what I think is my limit, but this always encourages me to give it a little more. Once you say, “I can” even if you are really thinking “I can’t” you realize just how strong you really are.

3. Selfish Isn’t a Dirty Word. It Means We Take Care of Ourselves and Are Able to Give Back

I think as woman we all need to be reminded of this. I often give of myself to everyone else and forget to take care of me. Like Jillian is saying here, taking time for you allows you to give back even more to others.

4. Thriving. That’s Fighting… Surviving is Barely Getting by

She is so right. I don’t feel right when I’m not pushing to meet another goal or break a new personal record. This doesn’t just apply to fitness. This works for everyday life too. You got to want more than to just survive.

5. Showing You Pity Doesn't do You Any Favors

If you have ever watched Jillian Michaels when she was on Biggest Loser or used any of her workout videos than I’m sure you can imagine this quote from Jillian Michaels. When you want a break or want the workout to get just a little bit easier she kicks it up another notch. Her goal is to make you health and that doesn’t happen through pitty.

6. A Bad Day for Your Ego is a Great Day for Your Soul

I love it. It’s easy for me to get caught up in my ego and not admit when I am wrong or need help. There always comes that moment when I break and finally have to give in and turn to others. My ego is broken, but my soul is renewed.

7. Feel the Fear. do It Anyway!

Quotes from Jillian Michaels are always encouraging me to push outside my comfort zone. Things are scary out there, but we can’t let that fear control us. We have to face it head on and work through it.

8. Unless You Puke, Faint, or Die, Keep Going

Really, I’m not sure how I feel about this quote from Jillian Michaels. I get that she is saying not to give up and I know I have seen plenty of her past contestant on Biggest Loser get pushed to the point of puking and fainting. However, unless she was in my face saying it to me, I’m pretty sure I’d quit.

9. It's Not about Perfect. It's about Effort. and when You Bring That Effort Every Single Day, That's Where Transformation Happens. That's How Change Occurs

Jillian’s words are inspiring. Here she wants to remind us to focus on achieving our goals every single day. If we work on it continuously we will see the results we are looking for. Again, this isn’t just about fitness; this can be true for anything.

10. Having the Right to Happiness Means Having the Right to Earn It, Not Having It Given to You without Effort and Action on Your Part

We can’t expect happiness to fall in our lap. If you want something you got to work for it. It’s how things go. Once we stop expecting others to do it for us and we start working for ourselves we will be so much happier.

You see, quotes from Jillian Michaels are amazing. She acts real tough, but her attitude comes out of her love for people and what she does. I mean, she might also just like to people in pain, but it’s all for the better. Tell me some of your favorite quotes from Jillian Michaels.

Top Image Source: celebritydietdoctor.com

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