You may already know about the many health benefits of friendship, but I’d like to share with you a few of mine. Friendship is one of the greatest things any of us could receive or give. I can’t tell you how beneficial friendships have helped my life, with way too many reasons to count. There are many healthy benefits of friendship that can even help us live longer. So, next time you go out with your girlfriend, appreciate her a little more because there are so many ways she enhances your life you might not know. She doesn’t just give you someone to gossip with, but also makes you healthier, believe it or not.
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1. Reduced Stress
One of the most amazing health benefits of friendship is friends help reduce our stress levels. Friendship gives you an outlet to share your struggles with and vent to. This is actually healthy! It keeps you from holding it all in and engaging in self destructive behavior, or from being alone in your struggles. How awesome is it to call up your girlfriend when you need to vent instead of crying in your room alone, or taking it out on Ben and Jerry's with a stomachache and regrets in the morning? Pretty great, if you ask me! Plus, reduced stress levels means a healthier heart!
Studies have shown that having close friendships can actually lower levels of cortisol, the hormone responsible for stress. This can lead to a reduced risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and other stress-related illnesses. In fact, people with strong social support systems tend to have better overall health and a longer life expectancy. Additionally, spending time with friends can release endorphins, which are known to improve mood and decrease feelings of anxiety. So next time you're feeling stressed, reach out to a friend and reap the health benefits of friendship.
2. Exercise Partner
Naturally, exercising with your buddy is better than alone, right? Well, your friend is an automatic exercise partner that you don’t even have to seek out. You’ll probably be much more able to keep your exercise schedule if you know your friend will be there.
Studies have shown that having a workout buddy can significantly increase motivation and adherence to an exercise routine. This is because having a friend to exercise with can make the experience more enjoyable and social, reducing feelings of isolation and boredom. Additionally, having a workout partner can also push you to work harder and try new exercises. In fact, research has found that people tend to work out longer and burn more calories when they have a partner compared to when they exercise alone. So not only does having a friend as an exercise partner make working out more fun, but it can also lead to better physical results.
3. Accountable
Your friends can also hold you accountable, for your budget, your diet, appointments, or other things. They can help you stay balanced. If you have a friend that doesn’t, find a friend that does to go alongside your more relaxed friend. Everyone needs a friend that will hold them accountable. Accountability is one of the healthiest qualities to have.
Having friends who hold you accountable can have numerous health benefits. According to a study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, individuals with strong social support tend to have better health outcomes and are less likely to experience health problems. This is because friends can encourage and motivate you to stick to your budget, maintain a healthy diet, and keep up with appointments. Additionally, having someone to hold you accountable can help you stay balanced and avoid unhealthy behaviors. So, if you have a friend who doesn't hold you accountable, it might be beneficial to find someone who can.
4. Having Fun
Having fun is so important to your health! It’s great for your heart to laugh and relieve stress. Having fun is also part of living, and having a friend that does this with you is one of the most amazing gifts you could ask for.
5. Advice
Friends are also great to turn to for advice, and sometimes, we all need it! They can help you make better decisions, or just give you perspective. This keeps you healthy on a number of levels by feeling stressed from indecisiveness, or from making bad decisions that might hurt you later on.
6. Social Life
Friends also give you a social life, and it’s important to your sense of well being. We aren’t meant to live life alone and doing so can actually harm your health. Friends give us the perfect opportunity to get out and enjoy life!
7. Sense of Peace
Friendship also gives you a huge sense of peace. You know you’ve got someone who has your back at all times. That’s an incredibly great feeling! How blessed we are to have friends to be there for us, and who we can be there for too.
Friends can help you be happier, which prevents you from engaging in bad behavior from sadness and they can really give your mood and heart a boost too. These are all great reasons to seek out tried and true friends whenever you can. What’s your favorite thing about friendship?
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