7 Healthy Addictions It's Okay to Have ...


7 Healthy Addictions It's Okay to Have ...
7 Healthy Addictions It's Okay to Have ...

Healthy addictions might sound like an oxymoron, but in 2024, wellness enthusiasts and certified health nuts (like myself) are discovering that not all obsessions are bad for you. I mean, who hasn't grown a little too fond of their morning smoothie or can't help but check their step count religiously? If you’re shaking your head and saying, "Me, never," then you might just be missing out on some fantastic mental health and physical benefits! Today, we are diving headfirst into the essence of healthy habits that could be the bird’s feather in your cap.

First up, there’s the undeniable magnetism of a good book. Bookworms unite! Reading is one of those healthy hobbies that transforms us into well-rounded individuals and remarkably clever party guests. Imagine whipping out an interesting fact you gleaned from the latest bestseller and seeing the eyes around you widen with amazement. It’s like magic! And if you’re someone who budgets time to read, you probably notice your stress levels sinking like a stone dropped into a calm lake.

Speaking of stress, have you introduced yourself to the wonders of meditation yet? This healthy addiction is the unsung hero behind many calm, zen-like people you meet. A personal anecdote here – I once met a guy at a coffee shop who was so calm; I thought he might be a wizard. Turns out he was a big fan of meditation. If you’re curious about how this could fit into your life, check out the details in our section on "Finding Your Zen with Meditation."

What about exercise? If you feel a sudden urge to do squats in the middle of the day, embrace it! Becoming a gym rat or a yoga aficionado is something to take pride in. Exercise isn’t just lifting weights or running marathons; it’s a fantastic way to boost your well-being, both physically and mentally. Ever heard of a runner’s high? Yeah, that’s a real thing, and it’s a pretty good addiction compared to binging on potato chips.

And then there’s the quirky yet loveable addiction to hobby crafts. If you find yourself collecting yarns, beads, or paints like they're going out of style, you’re not alone. Crafting is not just for kids in art class; it’s a substantial stress reliever for adults too. You'd be amazed how needlework can stitch together a chaotic mind and transform it into a masterpiece of calm. Dive deeper into how "Crafting Creativity" can brighten your life.

Alright, before we turn this intro into a full-fledged article, remember: Healthy addictions are here to stay, and in 2024, it’s all about finding joy in the little things, from the books you read to the workouts you love. So go ahead and explore these beneficial habits – they might just lead you to a happier, healthier you!

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1. Exercise

While for many of us, exercise is just that “thing” you do at the gym that leaves you sore and out of breath, some people become addicted to exercise. If you belong to the second group and are an exercise junkie, you’re lucky! Exercise may be the healthiest of all healthy addictions, because it does wonders for both your physical and mental wellness. If you have an exercise addiction, keep it up, but be sure not to overdo it. You should know your body’s limits and not push yourself too far past them.

2. Music

Are you one of those people who's always singing, or who won’t leave the house without headphones on? If you are, odds are, you’re addicted to music! But a music addiction is harmless and healthy. Music can calm you down and slow down the pace of your very busy life. So if you’re one of those people, there’s no need to feel bad. Keep on rocking out!

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3. Healthy Foods

There are two types of food addictions. One is to unhealthy, salty, fatty, or artificially sweet foods, which does little good for your body. The other is to naturally delicious healthy foods! If you have that second addiction and can never get enough fruits and veggies, don’t ever change! Of course, it’s important to keep in mind the rule of moderation, but if you always opt for fruit salad over brownies, you’re making a wise choice!

4. Water

Water is so essential to our existence that we should all be addicted to water. Unfortunately, many of us neglect this very healthy addiction. But if you’ve always loved water and drink plenty of it daily, there’s nothing wrong with calling yourself a water addict! Water improves bodily functions, decreases bloating, and makes your skin glow. At the end of the day, you really can’t go wrong with a water addiction!

5. Reading

If you’ve been called a bookworm all your life, you should feel proud! Reading is another healthy addiction that replaces unhealthy habits like watching TV or playing video games. When you read, your mind is alert and your imagination has a chance to grow! If you get captivated by a good book and can think of nothing else, you may be addicted, but where’s the harm in enjoying some good old-fashioned entertainment?

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6. Adventure

If you’re addicted to adventure, you may consider yourself a bit of a daredevil. Or maybe you’ve simply always loved to drive into far off, unfamiliar places, ride the largest roller coasters, and meet new people. As long as you don’t let your need to explore endanger you, an addiction to adventure is great, even healthy! An adrenaline rush every now and then is good for your body and mind, so never let someone stamp out your sense of adventure!

7. Learning

Another healthy addiction it’s okay to have is an addiction to learning. Call me a nerd, but I love to learn! I love filling my brain with knowledge until it feels like it will burst! If you’re the same way, you don’t need to feel ashamed of your geekiness; an addiction to learning is undeniably healthy! Learning new things is incredible for both your physical and mental health, so it’s only natural to be hooked on learning!

We all develop addictions at least once in our lives. Some of us are naturally more inclined to get addicted to things easily, but as long as it’s something healthy, that’s no cause for concern. What sort of healthy addictions do you have?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

@Sabrina I don't think there are any good addiction. That's my professional opinion. I've seen people in the ER from drinking too much water, water intoxication, @Brittany gave a great example of an exercise addiction. People have even been admitted form being addicted to reading! They cannot do anything else so their life falls apart. It's better to find a balance.

I have a reading addiction. It almost like I'm high when I read. That's probably good since I could be getting high on actual drugs. When I read I don't even know I'm reading, I practically become part of the story. Yesterday I finished a 300 page book in about 3 hours

I am addicted to: books, learning, tea, fruits and veggies, and animals. I keep these in check though... Or my friends would die of embarrassment.

Moderation makes u enjoy more......

I think my biggest addictions in this list are reading and learning, but it's all a but tongue and check really.

My friends always calls me a book worm, I can finish a 300 pages book in one sitting if i wanted too but I don't do it coz I love the idea of excitement and crazy with my exercise routine but I don't over do them. Balance is the key indeed.

Addicted to diys

Everything in moderation.

exercise and healthy food addictions aren't exactly healthy. have you heard of orthorexia?

why the hell it's so slow, i can't scroll down -.-

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