10 High Impact Self Care Ideas to Give Yourself a Break ...

By Deeceebee

10 High Impact Self Care Ideas to Give Yourself a Break ...

If you are anything like me or my friends, you probably spend more time caring about your loved ones than you do about yourself. Whilst being a caretaker for others is a beautiful and noble thing, you can only do so if you are healthy and content within yourself, both physically and emotionally! Self care is so important, and it is something that we all need to indulge in much more often. If you think you need to spend some time on yourself, then here are ten high impact self care ideas that can help to nourish you!

1 Read a Book

There is nothing quite like settling down under a blanket with a cup of cocoa in hand, and reading a few chapters of a great book. It can provide a little much-needed escapism and broaden your horizons.

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2 Music

Don’t underestimate the transformative powers of music. Take some time to make a playlist of all your favorite songs, and give that a whirl whenever you are feeling a little drained or detached.

3 Journal

It can be really therapeutic to keep a journal. Getting your thoughts and feelings out of your head and down on paper can feel like a freeing and weightlifting experience. It really clears your head.


Explore the ide of EFT, which is the emotional freedom technique. It is the process of tapping on certain parts of your body in order to release energy and emotions. There are plenty of online resources and video tutorials that can help you to learn!

5 Get outside

Get out of the house and spend some time in nature and the great outdoors. It can be good to unplug from the trappings of modern life and just get out there under the sun. Not to mention that Vitamin D boost!

6 Moisturise

Your skin is the biggest organ you have, so make sure to take care of it by keeping a regular moisturizing and skincare routine. The healthier your skin is, the better you will feel in general.

7 Be Creative

Work on doing something that releases your creative side and allows it to flourish. This could be doing some writing, painting, drawing, singing, photography, crafts ... anything that gets you thinking outside of the box.

8 Essential Oils

Do some experimenting with essential oils to find scents and fragrances that have the power to life your mood. Some people love lavender, some prefer fruit citrus, it’s all about finding your own signature favourite.

9 Sweet Treat

Treat yourself to a cup of coffee or tea with a nice sweet treat on the side. There is definitely a time and place for indulging in treats that aren’t considered healthy, and when it comes to self care, you are allowed a few small sins every now and then!

10 De-Clutter

It can be really helpful for your mental health to have a spring clean every now and then. De-cluttering is one the best self care acts there is, it can give you have whole new perspective and fresh state of mind.

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