9 Infographics for Helping the Elderly in Your Family ...


9 Infographics for Helping the Elderly in Your Family ...
9 Infographics for Helping the Elderly in Your Family ...

If you have an elderly relative then you may be interested in these infographics about the elderly. With an aging population, it's important to know how we can best care for the elderly in our family and in the community and these infographics about the elderly are sure to help.

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1. Fatal Falls

Fatal Falls There are many areas of the home that can be potentially dangerous for the elderly and the bathroom is particularly hazardous. This is one of the great infographics about the elderly and would be helpful if you're caring for an elderly relative.

2. Caregiving Tools

Caregiving Tools This is one of the most comprehensive infographics I have found about the things that you need to think about if you're caring for the elderly in the family or the community. With an aging population, it's information we could all take note of. Although it's specific to the US and contains information about organizations in the States, it gives you an idea of the many organizations and points of contact.

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3. Alzheimer's

Alzheimer's Anyone who has a member of the family with Alzheimer's will know how heart-breaking it is to watch someone oscillate between moments of lucidity and catatonia. There is much research being undertaken on the prevention of this disease and this infographic has some useful information on what to look for if you suspect a family member may be suffering from Alzheimer's.

4. Safety and Dementia

Safety and Dementia Perhaps you have an elderly relative in the home who suffers with dementia. Sex and the City dealt sensitively with this subject when Steve's mother wondered out into the cold one day, leaving Miranda frantic with worry. Although this was fiction, it's something that happens regularly. This helpful infographic shows how you can keep an elderly relative with dementia safe in the home.

5. Tips for Caregivers

Tips for Caregivers My mother cared for my grandparents for a number of years and I saw the toll that it took on her, both mentally and physically. It's incredibly exhausting, which is why it is imperative that if you're looking after someone, you must look after yourself. This infographic gives helpful hints and tips on how to do so.

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6. Depression

Depression Believe it or not, suicide is prevalent among the elderly and they can suffer from severe bouts of depression. This is a great infographic to help you spot the signs of depression in the elderly in your family and in the community.

7. Trips and Falls

Trips and Falls We can all trip and fall but with limited mobility, sometimes the elderly can be more susceptible to trips and falls in the home and when they're out and about. Have a look at this infographic to assess the potential dangers in the home and how to protect elderly family members.

8. Elderly Abuse

Elderly Abuse It's an uncomfortable subject I know but it's an unfortunate reality. The elderly, and indeed any vulnerable group in society, are often subjected to abuse at the hands of those who are supposed to be caring for them. It shouldn't happen but we can all look out for the signs and this infographic shows some of them.

9. Healthy Eating

Healthy Eating We all know how healthy eating is important and as we get older, our dietary needs change. This is a great infographic for those who may be looking after the elderly in their family.

Does anyone have experience of caring for an elderly relative? What words of advice would you offer?

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