7 Lovely Ways to Show Your Support for American Heart Month ...


Heart disease is the number one killer of women and here in the US each year we recognize American Heart Month. The idea grew out of awareness that increasing numbers of women suffer from heart disease at an alarming rate, earning it the horrible moniker of “number one killer” of women in the US. Each February many women and organizations focused on women’s health shine light on this statistic in hopes of increasing awareness and encouraging women everywhere to stay pay attention to their bodies and stay healthy. In celebration of American Heart Month, we offer you seven ideas to show your support of women’s heart health.

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1. Get Informed

One of the best ways to show your support for women’s heart health is to educate yourself on the issue. There are tons of medical resources concerning heart health and American Heart Month that are user friendly. Click on over to a site like heart.org to read about complicated medical issues concerning the heart in a layman’s terms sort of way. There are a number of further informative resources beyond the web to suit your needs as well. Books like “Medical Myths That Can Kill You: And the 101 Truths That Will Save, Extend and Improve Your Life” offer practical, albeit familiar, advice.

2. Share Your Knowledge

The more you learn, the more you grow...is that how the phrase begins? Learn about the signs of heart attack or stroke, good exercises, and healthy eating. Share this information with other members of your circle, male and female. A network of friends and family can be priceless for the woman who may be at risk of heart disease. Having a second pair of eyes and ears on the watch for signs of heart health concerns is immeasurable.

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3. Have a RED Party!

Gather your girlfriends for a RED night out! Throw on a red dress or red colored accessories in honor of women’s health. It will cause an interesting discussion if someone asks about the occasion of your attire. If you aren’t too keen on an outing then throw a dinner party! Cook up a little heart healthy meal and be sure to keep the RED dress theme going. Either way you are sure to have a great time celebrating life and health with your friends while bringing attention to this important women’s health issue.

4. A Little Jewelry Anyone?

If you are not feeling up to the complete display of red dress then throw on a little red jewelry. Plastic, rhinestone, glass, rubies…whatever suits your fancy! Whatever you decide, think about wearing something red every day for the entire month of February. Perhaps even throw in a heart shaped accessory or two.

5. Tie One on … Literally!

We have all seen a colorful ribbon or two tied on to something or someone in observance of a particular event. Well, there is a reason for that: to show support for a cause. I have a pretty silly magnetic ribbon sticker on my car supporting zombie rights. I also have a red ribbon and a pink ribbon tied on to my car and my bag showing my support of two issues that are very close to my heart: breast cancer and heart disease. I have lost two very important people in my life to both of these illnesses. Tying on a ribbon is a simple gesture of support to consider.

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6. Around the Office

Who doesn’t like a comfortable workspace that is meaningful, one that reflects your personality and interests? If heart health is important to you and you like to add a little personality to your work area, think about incorporating bits of red to your desk. There are tons of red colored and heart shaped items to choose from. I use red paperclips and staples. They are easy to include and not too big as to distract from the work.

7. Walk for It!

What better way to demonstrate your support of heart health than with participating in heart healthy exercise?! Every year there are a number of organized activities and events meant to encourage a healthy lifestyle. Gather a group of your friends and walk! Just a little exercise everyday can help you reduce your risk of heart disease. Then when you are done, have a heart healthy snack.

Ladies, we deserve the best! This absolutely includes a healthy heart and lifestyle, and long life! Poor heart health can lead to heart attack and stroke. Take care of your health. We need your fabulousness to shine brightly! What are you doing to encourage heart health and a healthy lifestyle? Please, share with us!

Sources: goredforwomen.org, startwalkingnow.org, heart.org, cdc.gov

Be sure to check out the AWS Health section here: health.allwomenstalk.com

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