Your health is a big thing but you don’t have to make a big deal of it. You can live a healthy lifestyle without much effort as long as you make good food choices and exercise regularly. And with a few small tweaks where there’s big payback, you can be even healthier.
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1. Avoid the Snooze Button to Prevent a Shock to the System
One of the best little health tweaks with big rewards you can implement is to stop pressing that snooze button every morning when your alarm goes off. You might think you are getting a beneficial extra ten minutes, but the truth is that you are letting your body fall back asleep only to be shocked again, and this can cause headaches and fatigue for the rest of the day.
2. Trade Your Morning Coffee for Super Healthy Lemon Water
Some people might find it hard to give up their early morning caffeine fix, but if you commit to trying, then you will find many benefits. With switching to tasty lemon water, the biggest and best benefits are that the liquid will help to flush out any toxins in your body from the day before, giving you a fresh start to the day.
3. Opt for Healthier Snacks at Work
It’s a simple change that can make a huge difference to your overall health. By switching out the candy bars and chip bags for things like fresh fruit or low fat yoghurts (check the sugar content or choose Greek), you are will be eating much healthier during your work hours without really feeling like any kind of drastic change has occurred in your life.
4. Don’t like Eating Greens? Drink Them Instead!
A lot of people lose out of a lot of health benefits because they don’t enjoy the taste of green vegetables, but this problem can be rectified if you get in to the practice of making green smoothies. You can alter the tastes of these drinks to make them super delicious, and you will finally be getting all of the healthy advantages of greens!
5. Spend 10 Minutes in the Sun Every Day
We all know about the dangers of staying out in the sun for too long, but something that not many talk about are the health benefits of spending just a little bit of time, say ten minutes, out in the sun each day. Getting your daily fix of Vitamin D without burning yourself can make a big difference to your overall health and wellbeing.
6. Add a Touch of Spice to Your Daily Diet
You can make a positive health change in your life by simply opting for some more spice in your everyday diet. Putting fresh chilies in to meals is a fantastic way to boost your metabolism, and a boosted metabolism means that you will burn calories much faster than before.
7. Stand up as Often as You Can
Recent studies have shown that people who stand up for at least 20 minutes a day have lower risk of heart disease and diabetes than those who stay more seated and stationary. Set an alarm on your phone to remind to stand more at work.
8. Make Changes to Your Regular Exercise Routine
If you stick to one kind of exercise for too long, your body can become used to the workout and the benefits won’t be as significant – it’s called the Law of Diminishing Returns. You can make sure that your body gets as beneficial a workout as possible by switching it up a lot to focus on different parts of your body.
9. Go Meatless for One Day of the Week
Some people have much too much red meat as the staple of their daily diet. You can make a small change that has a big impact if you commit to going just one day out of the week completely meat free. Turn it in to a challenge with friends so that you stay on track with Meatless Mondays!
You can see how easy it is and how little effort is required, yet these small changes can have great benefits for your health when you make them habitual.