4 Non-Sexual Benefits of Masturbation Every Girl Needs to Know ...


4 Non-Sexual Benefits of Masturbation Every Girl Needs to Know ...
4 Non-Sexual Benefits of Masturbation Every Girl Needs to Know ...

There are some really great non-sexual benefits of masturbation that will make it even more alluring to you. It’s something that most everybody does, but equally, something that many people don’t like to talk about! This is especially common among women, who sometimes feel awkward discussing masturbation even in front of their very closest female friends. In fact, masturbation is talked about so infrequently, that many women all over the world aren’t actually aware of all the positive, non-sexual benefits that it can provide your body. If you are one such lady who keeps masturbation talk to a minimum, then you might not be aware of these four amazing non-sexual benefits of masturbation that can improve your life.

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1. Reducing Period Cramps

Yes, we know, getting in a sexy frame of mind isn’t necessarily something that is high up on the list when you are in the throes of a horrible, prolonged period cramp, but did you know that masturbating can do wonders for easing the pain that plagues women for three or four days every month. As you masturbate, your pleasure centre is stimulated and hormones like serotonin and oxytocin are released into the body, which help to counteract the pain by binding to your opiate receptors and actually increasing your pain threshold! It’s a perfect chemical cocktail and one of the best non-sexual benefits of masturbation.

2. Pelvic Floor

We get told from an early age that it’s important to do our pelvic floor exercises, and rather than doing ten or so every time you look at your watch (a popular method!), the act of masturbating is actually a brilliant way to work out your pelvic floor, while having some fun at the same time! This helps to even further enhance your sex life in the long run too, because the stronger your pelvic floor is, the stronger and more frequent your orgasms will be.

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3. Good Sleep

You know that old cliché about guys falling asleep right after they have had sex? Well, it’s not something that relates to men only! Apparently, the human brain is wired to desire sleep right after climaxing during sex, so once you reach orgasm you will be much more likely to be able to get a good night’s sleep. This might be something worth considering next time you are laying in bed awake at night, staring at the clock with no dreams in sight! The prolactin released in your brain after an orgasm is what leads to a period of drowsiness after climax, so make the most of it and try to get some sleep!

4. Prevents Infections

Although the act of masturbation in itself doesn’t do much to prevent things like UTI and yeast infections, the feeling of needing to go to the toilet after climaxing does. The more you orgasm, and the more you go for that traditional pee afterwards, the more you are flushing out any bacteria that might be hanging around your urethra, ready to start a ruckus. So basically, the more you masturbate, the more you will get to engage in the task that helps to prevent infections from thriving down there!

Now you have even more reasons to do the finger tango 😊.

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I always openly talk about it. I feel it's normal and a natural act that we should all enjoy doing

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