Before you start any workout routine you should consult your doctor and do your research, especially if you are a beginner. I have started my own workout routine recently, but I am no expert so here to share more with you about fitness and health is David Dack who is a runner and author on weight-loss, here are his 3 Overweight Beginner Running Tips...
How to Safely Begin a Running Exercise Routine...
Running as an overweight person can be quite a challenge. Usually, overweight people can’t sustain running even for a short period of time. In addition, the high impact nature of running can lead to a myriad of injuries and health problems. That’s why running has a bad wrap in lots of fitness circles. But things don’t have to be this way. In fact running is your best ally against those extra pounds you’ve been fighting to get rid of. Not only that, running can boost your fitness level, reduce stress levels and the likelihood of cardiovascular diseases, and so on. As a result, here are 3 beginner running tips for the overweight runner:
Snapshot Survey
1. Start by Walking...
Trying to run from the get go is a recipe for disaster. As an overweight person, your body—especially the bones and cardiovascular system—wont be able to handle the demands of running. In fact doing so will only lead to injuries and a premature setback. Therefore, the wisest approach is to start walking beforehand. And after you’ve acquired enough cardiovascular power and stamina, you could introduce some running into your workout.
You can accomplish this by following the Walk-Run-Walk (W-R-W) method. This method is simple and straightforward. And it will ease you into the sport of running without the risks of injury and burnout.
A simple W-R-W program may look like this:
During the first week, you only walk 3 to 5 times, 25-30 minutes for each session. On the next week, you add 30-45 seconds of running with the walking intervals. Repeat the pattern 4-5 times. As you become more fit and stronger, make sure to add more running and shorten up the walking intervals until you’re able to run straight for 30-minute without much huffing and puffing.
2. Check Your Pulse...
Checking your pulse on a daily basis is an essential part of the injury prevention and adaptation process. Many overweight beginner runners get fixated on their bodyweight that they totally overlook the importance of keeping tabs on healthy heart rate.
Heart rate plays a crucial part. For instance, overtraining syndrome (doing too much too soon) can be easily spotted with regular pulse checking. If your pulse is higher—5 to 10 beats—than its normal rate from the previous day instead of lower, this usually means you’re overdoing the exercise and need to back off a bit. Otherwise you’re looking for injuries and serious health problems.
In addition, regular pulse checking can also help you keep track of your progress. As you exercise more and more, your heart becomes more apt to pump blood through your body and working muscles. Meaning it gets stronger. Therefore, it will need less beats—than it used to— to perform the same amount of work for you. As a result, preferably early in the morning, count your heart beat per minute and see if you’re improving or heading in the wrong direction.
3. Take Enough Resting Time...
Recovery is important as the training itself. If you don’t give your body the time it needs to recover from the workouts, then you’ll definitely suffer fatigue, decreased performance, loss of enthusiasm for the training, discomfort and finally a painful burnout. Many runners ignore this golden rule only to regret it later on.
Therefore, make sure to space out your training days with a recovery day. Doing so will provide your body with the rest it needs to get going the healthy way. Recovery days are mandatory if you’re suffering from any mild pain or if your heart rate is spiky. You should always exercise within your skill level. Don’t push yourself too hard, otherwise you'll suffer the consequences.
Running the right way is key to consistency. However, speed of implementation matters most. Therefore, make sure to take action on what you’ve just learned and remember to stay within your fitness level.
About the Author
David Dack is a runner and an established author on weight loss, motivation and fitness. If you want more tips from David Dack, then go to Runners Blue Print.