5 Quick and Easy Ways to De-Stress ...

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5 Quick  and Easy Ways to De-Stress ...

Are you looking for some quick ways to de-stress?

Do you ever find yourself agitated? Upset or in an argument?
Nothing going right?

Life is overwhelming and everything is piling up?

I've compiled a few quick and easy things that I do to reduce stress and they may help you too! Adding these quick ways to de-stress to your routine will have your days more manageable in no time at all. Good luck!

1 Take a Breath

Literally, take a breath! Take a few moments to sit down, relax your body and take several deep breaths. Breathe all the way in slowly, and all the way out slowly. Close your eyes and envision the calmest place that you can. The beach works for me! This can help stop the stress train in its tracks and help you find your center again. Breathing is one of the best quick ways to de-stress.

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2 Happy Songs

Put on a song that makes you happy. Even if it sounds silly or someone looks at you funny, do it! You will find your mood lifted by the end of the song

3 Take a Walk

Fresh air is incredibly invigorating and incredibly soothing! Walking also get your limbs moving, your blood flowing and works on your senses to help you feel refreshed.

4 Take a Drive

As much as I love walking, there is nothing like a cruise. I like to crank up the happy tunes and restart my brain. If traffic stresses you out, try taking back roads or drive to a place and park.

5 Talk to Someone

A lot of people are afraid to vent to another person, but as long as the other party is willing to listen, I'm all for venting! I believe it's necessary when you really need to clear your mind. It works almost like a mental and emotional spring cleaning and can help you to see things more clearly

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