7 Rejuvenating Places to Get Away for the Day and Recharge ...

By Renee2 Comments

There are just some points in our life when we need rejuvenating places to recharge on a regular basis. The good news is, they are as close as your own imagination. Your bank account need not overfloweth to feel like you’ve spent the day at a luxury spa, and you don’t need to take a week off of work for your replenishing mini-vaycay. These rejuvenating places will get your mindset back into a positive space in no time. The only requirement is for you to commit to freeing your mind for a few hours and letting the good vibes flow!

1 Your Own Bed

Your Own BedTurn off that phone, close the curtains, and give your body what it craves…rest, relaxation, and much-deserved me-time. One of the most accessible rejuvenating places is your own bed. There’s no need to feel guilty, either. The more of you there is, the more you have to give to others. Just… not right now…

Frequently asked questions

2 Your Garden Bed

You are a thoughtful and nurturing person. You take care of people at work and at home. Your friends know to call you when the chips are down, and you will back them up every time. Why not channel some of that inner gardener, and use it for the real thing? Make your world more colorful and fruitful (literally!) while you get down and dirty. Roll up your sleeves, and watch your garden grow. There is a sense of amazement and pride you will feel with the first sprout popping through the soil, the first bud, and certainly the first vegetable ready to pick.

3 The Dog Park (even if You Don’t Have One)

What is it about animals that make us feel like everything is going to be alright? Watching the pups at the park run and romp is virtual meditation. There may be something to watching creatures from different backgrounds and homes come together for one common cause…the pursuit of happiness and fun. Hmmmm…

4 A Movie Date with Yourself

When in doubt, tune out. Just for a while, and for a good cause, like your favorite comedy, romance, or reaffirming movie. Grab the softest blankie in the house, your favorite pillow, and curl up to watch your preferred cup of rejuvenation. Perhaps it lifts you up to watch your favorite movie star in whatever role he is in, or maybe you are a story-based fan. Whatever your reason, it’s a good one if it brings you joy and re-ignites your inner spark plug.

5 Water, Water Everywhere

Whether it’s the sound of the lapping waves, the sparkling blue hue catching your gaze, or the feel of cool, refreshing ripples tickling your toes, there is something beautifully reinvigorating about being near water. Go to the local park on a Sunday afternoon, take a drive to a favorite lake, or even head over to a lovely water feature downtown. Sit and try to clear your mind, letting the tranquil water transport you to a place of peace and contentment. Even if only for a few minutes, it will be a challenge not to walk away with a sigh and a smile.

6 A Quiet Corner with a Piece of Paper and Pencil

There are few things more rejuvenating than feeling as if you have been heard. One of your best bets for a captive audience is yourself. It makes no difference if you haven’t picked up a writing notebook and pen since middle school. Find a spot and write one word of how you’re feeling, and another. Before you know it, you’re a babbling brook, letting the words flow like water downstream! One caution: this could be addictive…

7 Wherever the Steering Wheel Leads You

Sometimes even when you can’t go away, you need to get away. Hope in the car, or even on the bus, and take a trip to the other side of town or to the town next door. Having a change of scenery is often one of the most refreshing ways to rejuvenate your mind and body.

There are so many reasons why we need to rejuvenate these days, and many more ways than that to accomplish it. What is your favorite way to rejuvenate?

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