12 Simple Ways to Detox Every Day ...

By Glenys

12 Simple Ways to Detox Every Day ...

When you think about the word detox, it’s probably fair to assume that the first scenarios that come to mind are going through a period of fasting or cleansing in order to get your body back on track. However, detoxing doesn’t always have to something that you save up and wait to do at the end of the month or the even the year, it is actually something that you can put in to practise every single day to maintain a much better level of health and fitness. Here are twelve **ways to detox every day. **

1 Hydrate

Make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day, even more than you think you need. Drinking more water helps your body to more effectively flush out toxins via bodily secretions.

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2 Body Brushing

Get a dry loofah and get into the habit of dry brushing your body in the mornings before you shower. It helps to get rid of dead skin cells and also encourages your circulation to be better.

3 Daily Green Tea

Drink at least one cup of green tea per day, Not only is it an appetite suppressant but it also does wonder for your kidneys and liver, two of the most important organs in your body.

4 Exercise

It really is important to do at least a small amount of exercise every single day. It pumps up your circulatory system as well keeping your cardiovascular health in check and keeping your lymphatic juices flowing.

5 Superfood

Add a so-called ‘superfood’ to each meal that you have. These are foods that are high in antioxidants and will rev up your metabolism to make it work as efficiently as possible.

6 Probiotics

Try to include as many natural probiotic products in your diet as possible such as Greek yoghurt, kimchi, and kefir. They will do a wonderful job of keeping your gut health in check with the right balance of bacteria.

7 Deep Sleep

Try to maintain a good sleeping pattern, because your body does some of its best cleansing work when you are out for the count! Your liver in particular does a lot of work in the early hours.

8 Less TV

The more you watch bad and negative things on the TV, the more sadness hormones are released in to your system. These negative feelings can contribute to a general level of toxicity in your life, so try to reduce your exposure.

9 Tongue Scraping

A lot of people often forget to do anything to their tongue in the tooth brushing process, but scraping your tongue can get rid of lots of stubborn germs and bacteria within your mouth.

10 Go Organic

Try to use as much organic produce as possible, because it contains higher nutritional value and has less chemicals.

11 Smoothies

If you are someone who struggles to eat your daily amounts of fruit and veg, then solve the problem by making a smoothie. You can disguise the healthiness if you need to!

12 Avoid Retoxing

You need to try especially hard not to relapse into old behaviours once you have started following all of the above tips. It is pointless to detox your body if you are only going to revert back to your old ways.

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