it's funny that while we live in a self-centric and even selfish world, that many of us do not practice mindfulness. Many of us live a shallow life, not making the most of the world around us, its bounty, our advantages and our opportunities. I think many of us would admit we don't make the most of every moment, that we aren't present in every challenge and every triumph. Being more mindful is a goal that is achievable for every one of us and a goal we're totally in control of. Being mindful can be practised every moment of every day - you just need to form the habit. Here's a whole pile of ways to be more mindful every day. Thank you
Snapshot Survey
Snapshot Survey
1. Stretch First Thing in the Morning
Doing some stretching and breathing right after you wake up in the morning, will energize you and center you for the day ahead.
2. Drink Water All Day
Drink lots of water during the day, starting with a glass at breakfast. Your body dehydrates overnight, so refilling the tank early will help you be more present and energetic throughout the day.
3. Chew Your Food Slowly
And enjoy the texture and the taste! You’ll be more satisfied with less food and more likely to notice other subtleties throughout the day.
4. Write down Your Top Three Priorities for the Day, First Thing in the Morning
Especially before you check your email. You’ll be a lot less likely to get caught up in mindlessly reacting to whatever hits your screen during any given day.
5. Listen to Music
If you listen to music that moves you instead of mindless chatter from the flat screen, you will in turn make a conscious choice to listen to things that nourish you, rather than deplete your mind and heart.
6. Journal
Write in your journal to capture your reflections on your purpose and how you’re continuing to show up for that. Over time, you’ll create a record of your life that will provide valuable perspective.
7. Ask Yourself, “What’s Working Right Now?”
No matter how bad things seem, there is almost always something that’s going right. Mindfully build on that.
8. Breathe Deeply
If you take three deep breaths from your belly before and after every conversation, you'll be more present during the conversation and clear your mind after.
9. Put Your Phone in Airplane Mode when You’re in Meetings
Freeing yourself from the distractions of your smartphone will remove a lot of the interruptions that can keep you from being fully present.
10. Slow down!
If you take a moment to stop and smell the roses, you'll have more appreciation for all the beauty and abundance that life has to offer.
11. Practice "transformational Listening."
Listening fully and without an agenda builds the relationships that make life sweet, as opposed to "transactional" or "transient" listening.
12. Stretch and Move Often
There's plenty of research that shows that “sitting is the new smoking.” Get out of your chair regularly for at least five minutes every hour to optimize your health and well-being.
13. Go out for Lunch
Take lunch away from your desk. Your body and brain deserve the break!
14. Get outside!
No matter what the weather's like, learn to appreciate the now by enjoying the beauty of the outdoors, regardless of your scenery.
15. Tell Someone How Much You Appreciate Them
Be specific — it may be the first time anyone has ever shared that compliment with them. What a gift!
16. Notice What Time Frame Your Mind is in
If it’s in the past or future, gently bring it back to the present.
17. Eat Fresh, Whole Foods
Snacks like nuts, veggies or low-sugar fruit are much better for you than processed foods, and will curb hunger, giving you more energy and focus throughout the day.
18. Question Your Assumptions
Expand and challenge the way you look at people and situations.
19. Call an Old Friend
It will warm their heart and yours!
20. Move Your Body in a Mindful Way for at Least 30 Minutes
Think of it as a moving meditation.
21. Put Your Phone in a Drawer for at Least a Couple of Hours when You Get Home Each Evening
You may be surprised and delighted by what you notice.
22. Write a Personal Note (on Paper) to Say “Thanks!” or “I Love You” (or Both!)
There’s a good chance that person will cherish it forever.
23. Take Time Each to Day to Reflect on Why You’re Here
Celebrate one thing you did today that served that very purpose.
24. Get a Good Night’s Sleep
Keep your smartphone and tablet out of your bedroom. The light from them messes up your sleep pattern. You need a good night’s rest for a great day tomorrow!
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