9 Super Cool Tips to Take Away from the Juice Generation ...


The Juice Generation is both a juicery in New York and now a book filled with juicing tips, tricks and recipes that juicers of all levels will appreciate. There are lots of reasons why people start to juice and this book is a great guide on what types of fruits and vegetables to use to get started or give you some ideas on new and untraditional types of foods to incorporate in your existing juicing routine. If you’re curious about juicing or just want some new recipes to try out, The Juice Generation is an excellent place to start!

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1. Living Juicy

People start juicing for a number of reasons, such as wanting to incorporate more fresh fruits and vegetables into their diet, wanting a quick and nutritious meal or wanting to lose weight. Author of The Juice Generation Eric Helms feels that living juicy (drinking healthy juices) is key to feeling more energetic and having a clear, positive outlook, as well as having a healthy glow to your skin. The book also mentions that anecdotal evidence suggests that juicing has a happifying effect and can actually flood you with happiness and nutrition.

2. Energy Deficit

In The Juice Generation, Helms also describes what he feels is a never ending quest for more energy. Sounds familiar, right? It seems like we’re always trying to look and feel more alert and awake in order to get through the day. Helms can sympathize with our desire to indulge in a cup of coffee or tea, however we often experience a nasty crash later on that totally defeats the purpose of drinking caffeine in the first place! He suggests trying juice instead of a caffeinated beverage for more sustainable energy from easily digested nutrients.

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3. Cold-Pressed Juices

We often hear the term cold-pressed juice when describing juices used in cleanses or the expensive juices sold in juice bars, but what exactly is it? A true cold-pressed juice requires a specific type of juicer called a Norwalk Juicer, which is a hydraulic press that extracts a higher level of nutrients than commercial blenders or juicers. So, while the juices we make at home are very healthy, cold-pressed juices take it up a notch in terms of nutrition.

4. Juice Glow

Another positive side effect of juicing that you often hear is that skin looks healthier, the whites of eyes are whiter and the signs of aging are minimized. Helms calls juicing the original nutraceutical beauty product as it rejuvenates, alkalizes, hydrates and balances us from the inside out. If you’re not into salads or your regular diet lacks a lot of the nutrients that are beneficial to hair, skin and nails, juicing can be a good way to supplement your diet. Helms warns that there are many juice impostors sold at grocery stores that are pasteurized at high heat, which kills off many of the enzymes, vitamins and minerals we want, so avoid those when possible. .

5. Density, Not Volume

Another one of the benefits of juicing is that you’re able to consume a large number of healthy fruits, veggies and nutrients in one drink. Many people have a hard time eating the recommended daily amount of fresh fruits and vegetables as well as getting the essential nutrients necessary to help you look and feel your best. Helms maintains that although humans are eating more food than we ever have in the past, many of us are still lacking the essential vitamins and minerals that our bodies require.

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6. Green Curve

For those who are new to juicing Helms suggests starting in phases, which he calls The Green Curve. The Green Curve consists of three phases which are three weeks each, designed to help facilitate the transition of incorporating more leafy greens into your diet. In Phase 1, you’ll start with 2-3 juices or smoothies per week with at least 30% of the juices including dark, leafy greens. In Phase 2, you’ll have about 5 juices or smoothies per week with at least half including leafy greens. In the last phase, you’ll try to have a green juice daily with just a few non-green juices mixed in for treats and variety.

7. Palate Hijacking

The Green Curve is flexible, so you can stay in a phase longer than three weeks if desired or if you’re an intermediate juicer, you can jump into Phase 2 instead of starting from the beginning. The Green Curve will take some adjusting. Most taste buds don’t crave dark, leafy greens and our palates have become accustomed to different flavor profiles. Helms calls this palate hijacking and says that while the adjustment period might be challenging, you can retrain your taste buds to crave the good stuff!

8. Be Sugar Savvy

Helms also mentions in The Juice Generation that effective, long-term juicing requires one to become very aware of the amount of sugars in your juices. I know I’d much rather choose a sweet, fruit-filled juice over a predominantly green juice any day! The problem with that is since the fruits are being juiced, their fiber content is reduced, which results in sugars being delivered to the bloodstream much quicker than normal. Use root vegetables and high-sugar fruits in moderation and incorporate more low-sugar fruits and green vegetables for long-term success.

9. Mindfulness Training

The last juicing tip that The Juice Generation offers is that juicing is sort of equivalent to mindfulness training. It’s kind of an odd way to look at the juicing process, but I totally get it. The act of preparing your fruits and vegetables, watching the transformation from solid to liquid and drinking the wholesome tonic can help connect you to the present, raise your awareness and calm your mind. The next time you’re preparing your juice, think of it as a lesson in mindfulness!

The Juice Generation has lots of helpful information to help you get started on your juicing journey. It’s not a diet book and it’s not promoting not eating solid foods. It’s all about listening to your body and doing what feels right and good for you. I’ve only dabbled in juicing in the past, but after reading about the many mental and physical benefits, it’s inspired me to dust off my juicer and start adding some juices to my diet. Do you currently drink juices?

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