3 Mind-Blowing Feminine Care Products from Bloomi Every Healthy Girl is Using ...

By Laura

3 Mind-Blowing Feminine Care Products from Bloomi Every Healthy Girl is Using ...

Hey y'all! We all love discovering new companies, new products to tell our BFFs about, and new ways to take good care of ourselves, right? Well then... Look no further than this company right here called The Bloomi and their amazing feminine care products your private parts will love!

Here are a few things you need to know about the company, to understand why all girls who care about their health are jumping on their products!

The Bloomi is an amazing totally unique company that provides organic products to enhance intimate care and sexual experiences.

It's co-founder, Rebecca, was shocked to learn just how many women's health items on the market contained toxic ingredients! Rebecca and her husband then went on to create, The Bloomi team. Can you say angels!?

And which Bloomi products are the best? Well, there are a few!

From vulva hygiene products for cleanliness and fresh feeling in our lady bits to handy menstrual cycle tools (made of cost effective ingredients) to help us thrive during our cycles... AHH-MAZING!

All their products promote sexual wellness - because a healthy sex life is important; even if it's solo sex.

After careful consideration we have rounded up the 3 feminine care products that are an absolute must for all girls who care about their health and the appearance of their vaginas, here they are:

1 Vulva Hygiene Wipes

product, product,thebloomi.com
These pH balancing wipes allow you to freshen up on the go or at home. Small enough pack to fit in any size bag, you won't regret purchasing these for those trips to the gym or the times you're just feeling a little less than fresh.

Frequently asked questions

2 Ingrown Hair Oil

Hate those pesky ingrown hairs on your secret parts? Thanks to The Bloomi you don't have to worry! Non-chemical oil helps you prevent razor burn, ingrown hairs, and moisturize sensitive skin of your most se‌nsitive parts. Plus, it's vegan!

3 Labial Skin Moisturizer

A pH balanced lip moisturizer for your lower lips when they're feeling dryer than usual. Vaginal dryness is an issue that affects many women from childbirth to menopause and now thanks to The Bloomi, we have a solution!‌

Not sure how to find them? Let me make it easy for you!
Website: thebloomi.com
IG: @thebloomi
Facebook: the bloomi

SO WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!?! Go check them out! Your lady parts will thank you! :)

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