I hate being a girl sometimes, especially when it comes to that time of month. If you are anything like me, you get really bad cramps. That caused me to look up some period hacks to help me with my cramps. So girls, take a look below and I can promise that, that time of month will be so, so much better!
Snapshot Survey
1. Understanding 'the Cycle'
Whoa. I had no idea!
2. These Totally Help
Cure your cramps!
3. Cramps?
This totally makes sense!
4. PMS?
This will help prime you for the horrible, dreaded PMS.
5. In Case You Want to Try Something Different
Have you ever used a DivaCup?
A smoothie! Who knew!
7. For All the Tampon/cup Users
Pad all the way for me.
8. If You Are Brave …
I haven't tried this … and don't know if I could.
9. Lots of Food That Fights PMS
10. Period Stains?
It happens.
11. Ultimate Survival Guide
From the moves to your skin, this is perfect!
12. Know Your Symptoms
I had no idea.
13. Your Period and Sleep
No wonder I have messed up sleep when on my period.
14. Don't Know Your Body While You Are on Your Period?
Now you do!
15. Press Away Your PMS
I've so tried this, it works!
16. Tampons Vs. Cups
Which one are you going to use?
17. Cup 101
In case you decide to use it.
18. Get Rid of Your Cramps Easily
Heat. Lots and lots of heat.
19. Yoga to Get Rid of Cramps
I've never tried it but it looks like it would work!
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