Never Say These Things to a Depressed Friend or Loved One ...

Crystal Jan 5, 2015

Never Say These Things to a Depressed Friend or Loved One ...
Never Say These Things to a Depressed Friend or Loved One ...

Even though you're just trying to help, there are some things not to say to a depressed friend or loved one. Despite your best intentions, it just makes them feel worse. That doesn't mean you can't talk to them. Instead, just try to avoid some of the most common things not to say to a depressed friend. They'll appreciate the extra effort.

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1. I've Been Feeling down Too

Being sympathetic is fine, but feeling down isn't the same thing as being depressed. This is one of the top things not to say to a depressed friend. It makes them feel as if you're dismissing their depression as a simple case of the blues. You can say you've been feeling down, but tell them you know it's not the same as what they're feeling. This lets them know you understand the difference.

2. It Could Be Worse

Yes, it could be worse, but when someone's depressed, it feels like it couldn't get any worse. Depression makes you feel extremely lonely and negative all the time. In your friend's eyes, it's already gotten worse. Telling it could be worse only makes them dwell on all the possible ways their depression could worsen. As a result, they feel even worse than before. Just offer to let them talk to you instead of trying to guilt them into feeling better.

3. Stop Feeling Sorry for Yourself

To you, it may seem like your friend is just feeling sorry for his or herself. Trust me, it's not what you think. If they could just stop feeling that way, they would. They can no more just stop how they're feeling than someone can magically make a migraine go away in the blink of an eye. It's extremely insensitive and alienates your friend. Instead, ask how you can help or just give them a hug to support them.

4. It's All in Your Head

Okay, in part, depression is kind of all in your head, but it's a mental illness, not a fleeting thought. Unless you've been depressed, it might be hard to understand that depression isn't a choice. It's a real illness that takes time to treat. If you don't understand, try researching what depression is before telling your friend what they should do. A little understanding goes a long way.

5. I Can't Handle It

First of all, you're not the one who's depressed. It's difficult to be friends with someone who's depressed. You feel helpless because you can't fix it for them. As hard as it is for you, imagine how much worse they feel. They are depressed as a way to make life harder for you. They need your support and compassion more than ever. Telling them you can't handle it takes away even more of the fragile hope they have left.

6. Life's Not Always Fair

Life isn't always fair, but your friend already knows this. They don't know why they're the one dealing with depression when others aren't. Saying this is like scolding a child who didn't do anything wrong. There will be times they claim life isn't fair. It's just a statement of fact. It's your job to remind them things will get better. Tell them they're not the only one going through something like this and that eventually, they will feel like themselves again.

7. Just Deal with It

No matter what medications or treatments a person tries, they still have to deal with depression every day until things start to get better. They're already dealing and they don't need someone they care about callously telling them to simply push depression aside and deal with it like it's no big deal. Depression is a big deal. Support your friend and help them deal. It's really all you can do.

Depression is a serious illness that affects millions. It might not seem real unless you've experienced it yourself, but to your friend it's a very real enemy that seems impossible to conquer some days. Be as sensitive as possible and let them know you care. What other things shouldn't you say to someone who's depressed?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

“Saying “you don’t have anything to be depressed about, your life is great” is like saying “what do you mean have asthma, there is loads of air in here.”

Let them know often that you are thinking of them. Send them an encouraging letter or card, that they can keep reading.

Never make rude remarks, even if you feel like they're trying to get attention, they aren't! And having someone you need the most label you as " crazy" or making them feel ashamed.. It really isn't something a person has control of. They can try different methods to help alleviate some symptoms, but there is no cure for depression. I'd suggest reading up and studying anything you can if you really care for that person. Understand when they withdraw, don't get mad or take offense just let them know that if and when they're ready to talk you're always there. Maybe even have a night where you just spend a night devoting all of your attention to them... Ice cream, pj's and a good movie... Or whatever you know they enjoy without leaving the house, even getting their mind off things for a short time is helpful, but don't be offended if they decline! Most of all love and patience!

They are the only ones who can get themselves out of it. Been there,done that as probably have most of us. Try not to commiserate too much with the depressed one but suggest they count their blessings and abilities helps no end. Can they walk? Can they see ? Can they read and write ? Having a laugh together helps more than being afraid to upset them .

My friends need to read this post but if they did they would disown me and go against it we need to start teaching younger children the consequences of not fully supporting friends in rough times and not to always feel sorry for only themselves

Than whot should a person say ??

Thank you for writing this.

Robin Williams is a prime example... Such a happy man on the outside (he made us all smile) but so unhappy on the inside :( x

Depression is contagious?

I know that a lot of us say "I can't deal with it" to people, but saying that to a depressed person is definitely worse. It could make them feel guilty and hopeless ; I'm glad you pointed it out. Although it gets really hard when you have to cope with depression and theirs as well.

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