8 Tips on Dealing with an Epileptic Child ...


8 Tips on Dealing with an Epileptic Child ...
8 Tips on Dealing with an Epileptic Child ...

Parenting is not an easy task to begin with. And when you have an epileptic child, your task becomes even more challenging. However, after the initial shock of discovering that your child is epileptic, you need to focus of coping and dealing with the situation. Here are 8 tips on dealing with an epileptic child.

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1. Educate Yourself

We may all know a little bit about epilepsy, but you are going to need detailed knowledge and information to be able to stay in control of the situation. Find out everything there is to know about epilepsy. Don’t be pessimistic, but prepare yourself for all kinds of situations.

2. Educate Your Child

As and when your epileptic child grows, it is important that he or she is also made of her situation in its totality. Your child is different from other children and that can create issues like frustration, envy and even rage in your child. You need to help your child understand and accept his condition to avoid psychological trauma.

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3. Educating the Rest of the Family

The family you live with should also be fully aware about what it means to raise an epileptic child. They should also be prepared to deal with the situation in the event that your child has a seizure when you are not around. If you have other children, they should be taught the correct way in which to behave with their epileptic sibling.

4. Medication for Epilepsy

Thankfully, most epileptic seizures can be quickly brought under control with the help of medication. You need to always have a ready stock of doctor recommended medication at hand to be used as and when required. Learn the schedule, side effects, other precautions, etc. that need to be taken with regard to the medication.

5. Protection in the House

This is one of the most important of all tips on dealing with an epileptic child. You have to baby-proof your house with extreme care. Take the locks out on your bathroom as well as the child’s bedroom. Ensure that the doors open outwards, so that even if your child falls near the door, it can be opened.

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6. Handling Bad Behavior

Most people think that epileptic children need to be treated with kid gloves. This is not true. Treat all your children equally; else you may end up hurting the others and turning your epileptic child into a tyrant.

7. Epilepsy and School

Although it can be a bit stressful for the parents, there is no reason an epileptic child should not go to school. Just ensure that the child’s teachers, school nurse and principal are aware of your child’s condition and know what to do.

8. Epilepsy and Sports

This is another of the top tips to deal with an epileptic child. There is no reason why your epileptic child should not be encouraged to participate in sports. It does more benefit than harm.

So, here are my 8 tips on dealing with an epileptic child. I hope they come in handy for you in dealing with this very tough situation.

Top image source: sbpsp.co.uk

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