8 Unusual Hobbies for Women That You May Fall in Love with ...


8 Unusual Hobbies for Women That You May Fall in Love with ...
8 Unusual Hobbies for Women That You May Fall in Love with ...

I was recently looking online for a new hobby to take up and as well as your regulars like hockey, badminton, dancing and book club, I found a number of unusual hobbies for women. The great thing about the variety of hobbies available is that there is something for everyone and trying a hobby that is a little out of the ordinary may spark an interest, passion, or flair for something in you that you wouldn't have otherwise realized existed. Finding unusual hobbies for women is fun too, especially trying new things!

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1. Track Driving

I say that these are unusual hobbies for women, but they are not all exclusively for women, more so that they are unusual hobbies for everyone to try. So without further ado, can I suggest a spot of track driving darlings? Track driving, is typically a man’s sport, has seen more women get the behind the wheel in the past few years than ever before. If it’s an adrenaline rush you are after than forget maxing out your credit card and book yourself in for a test drive!

2. Hula Hooping

Far more girly but still one super fun! Hula hooping is back with a vengeance. This unusual hobby is not only cheap and fuss free but a great workout for your abdominal muscles. If you can’t find any classes in your area simply checkout tutorials on YouTube and you’ll be hooping before you can say ‘hula hula.’

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3. Pole Dancing

What is now one of the most popular hobbies for women, used to be frowned upon. Pole Dancing is no longer associated purely with strip bars and naked dancers, but everyday women who want to get a good workout and try something different. I have heard that it is not only great for toning up, but can help boost confidence and show you how to work your sexy side!

4. Tarot Cards

If you'd rather stay seated than test drive or even jump onto a pole, this hobby is for you! This hobby for women you can practice at home or take classes in, tarot reading is a great way to tap into your ‘psychic nature' and really impress your friends. Being able to read people’s cards is not only a great party trick but a brilliant conversation starter!

5. Fire Walking

Some may call this an unusual hobby plain stupid - each to their own I say. Fire walking has long been used as a tool for self empowerment, teaching us to move past our fears and set our minds on achieving what we want. If it’s a bit of an awakening or an adrenaline rush that you're after than maybe a touch of fire walking is just what you need!

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6. Tube Water Polo

Whilst on my search for a new hobby recently, I came across tube water polo. Undoubtedly, this is a unusual hobby for anyone to try! This wacky sport had me intrigued from the start. Apparently it is just like water polo except you are floating about in a huge rubber ring. Sounds like a bit of sport with a whole lot of fun to me! What about you?

7. Belly Dancing

Did you know there is more than one type of belly dancing? From tribal to fusion to burlesque, there isn't only one way to shake your belly! Having been around for a long time, it may not be one of the most unusual hobbies for women, but it is still different in the sense that: how many other hobbies do you flash a certain area of your skin and wobble it?!

8. Perfumer

Do you have a nose on you like a bloodhound dog? Can you differentiate between similar scents and sniff out a winner? If so, then perfumery is one unusual hobby for women that you may want to try. Many start by mixing up there own concoctions at home and seeing what works, whereas others enroll in courses. Either way, why wear a store bought perfume when you think you could create something far better?

Hobbies are a great way of ensuring that you nurture your fun side and have something that is solely yours to enjoy. Unusual hobbies for women add something different to the mix and help you figure out if there are any latent passions or talents just waiting to surface. What other hobbies should be on this list? Has anyone else got a hobby that’s pretty unusual?

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Pole dancing lessons aren't anything whorish . It's just like Zumba but on a pole . It's used for exercise now for women . Something fun and a good way to work out without feeling you're working out .

I'm still greatly against pole dancing and tarot cards are against my religion, but the rest sound interesting :D

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