8 Warning Signs 20-somethings Need to Watch for when It Comes to Their Health ...

Rotem Jul 2, 2015

8 Warning Signs 20-somethings Need to Watch for when It Comes to Their Health  ...
8 Warning Signs 20-somethings Need to Watch for when It Comes to Their Health  ...

With everything there is to worry about in your 20s - careers, home and relationships - we don't often prioritize health. To help make things a little easier, Bustle.com created a list of health warning signs in your 20s to watch for. Even if you live a generally healthy lifestyle, it is important to keep an eye on the following warning signs:

1. A Changing Mole

hair, human hair color, face, blond, facial expression, "It should be routine practice to perform skin checks from head to toe," says Okeke-Igbokwe. "You should look for moles or lesions that stand out and have changed in size, color, or shape. Any suspicious looking moles or lesions warrants immediate evaluation by your doctor."

2. Constant Headaches

person, human positions, beauty, photography, sitting, "If you are experiencing headaches that are out of the ordinary — in that they are more severe and painful than you can handle —you should probably have it checked out," says Dr. Mia Finkelston, A Board Certified Family Physician who sees patients LiveHealth Online, over email. "This type of headache can be caused by an infection in the central nervous system or it can be caused by a hemorrhage or bleeding in the brain."

3. Pelvic Pain

color, photograph, blue, human positions, person, Pelvic pain can be caused by a number of diseases and conditions, but for women, it's especially important to pay attention to chronic pain because it could be related to your reproductive system, according to Mayo Clinic. Whether or not you're thinking about children in your 20's, you'll want to make sure you don't have anything going on in your ovaries or uterus.

4. Extreme Fatigue

image, human positions, sitting, furniture, interior design, "Twenty somethings may dismiss the feeling of being tired all the time and chalk it up to an active social life," says Finkleston. "However, constant fatigue could be a sign of anemia." It also could indicate a lack of physical activity, a poor diet, anxiety, depression and more, according to WebMD, so it's important to see a doctor to get to the root of your problem.

5. Painful Urination & Itching

clothing, undergarment, close up, leg, thigh, "If you are sexually active and experience symptoms such as pain while urinating and abnormal vaginal discharge, you should get evaluated for a sexually transmitted disease," says Okeke-Igbokwe. "It is important to be diagnosed and treated early, since some STDs when left untreated may contribute to infertility issues in the future."

6. Changes in Your Breasts

white, photograph, blue, black, person, Your breasts can fluctuate in size and even experience pain as a hormonal side effect, but you'll want to pay more attention to any new lumps, swelling, redness, or nipple pain, which could be signs of breast cancer. Although the risk of breast cancer is low for women under 40, it's important to know your breasts and be aware of any changes.

7. Always Feeling Cold, down & Tired

hair, color, face, red, person, "Do you feel run down, exhausted, and depressed?" says Finkleston. "Is it difficult to swallow and do your fingertips and toes get cold all the time? These are some signed to look for that may indicate you have a thyroid condition."

8. Social Withdrawal & Drastic Mood Swings

black, white, photograph, black and white, photography, Even if you felt fine during your childhood and adolescence, many mental health symptoms can occur in your 20s, according to Banner Health. This can include anything from bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and major depressive disorder. Symptoms vary, but they can include social withdrawal and lack of engagement with others, drastic mood swings, confused thoughts, and more.

Not all of these issues necessarily mean something is wrong, but it's good to check up on them just in case. You might be thanking yourself down the line!

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