Frankincense essential oil is probably the most versatile oil there is. It's used as a catalyst for most other oils, it has deep religious and cultural roots and is used today in aromatherapy, meditation practices, natural medicine and cosmetics. It's used for countless things on the body, both internally and externally, from healing cuts and scrapes to reversing signs of aging and aiding in digestion. It has a funky woodsy smell that actually reminds me of an old attic (yikes!). While it doesn't have the most pleasant smell (some may really love it!), it's extremely calming and relieves stress and tension when inhaled. Frankincense has numerous uses but this article is about how to use it in your daily beauty routine!
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1. To Fade Scars
My absolute favorite way to use frankincense oil is for fading scars. I have pesky acne scares and just dabbing a frankincense/carrier oil mixture to the affected area has caused them to fade! Perhaps it's my own wishful thinking, but frankincense oil has cell regeneration properties which speeds up healing and new cell growth. If you have stretch marks, add frankincense to a thick body cream and cover the area daily!
2. Help Heal Acne
Frankincense oil's astringent properties help to heal and protect the skin. It's used on cuts, scrapes, burns, and even acne. Mix 6 drops frankincense to 1 oz oil of your choice. I like coconut oil for the face because it has amazing benefits and won't clog pores!
3. To Prevent & Fade Fine Lines and Wrinkles
When I first used frankincense oil, I added it to my facial moisturizer and made sure to focus on any visible fine lines and dry areas. It's used in a many natural cosmetics (even baby lotions) because of its healing and moisturizing properties. Bonus- if used right before bed, it will most definitely give you wild and vivid dreams! I don't know why this is but myself and other have experienced this phenomenon!
4. Stimulate Hair Growth at the Scalp
Essential oils are known for stimulating hair growth because they promote cell regeneration. Rosemary, lavender and frankincense are the perfect combo for a scalp-healing mask that stimulates strong roots and growth. When using just frankincense add 1-2 drops to a carrier oil, like coconut or jojoba oil, warm it in your hands and massage it into your scalp. I like to leave this on overnight with a scarf around my hair for the full benefits.
5. Tighten and Tone Skin
Another great way to use frankincense in your daily routine is as a facial toner! I personally like to add it to stuff I already have but you could easily make your own products with the oil. Just add a few drops of frankincense to your store-bought toner or add it to distilled water for a quick spritz to clean skin. It refreshes and tones/tightens the skin. Shake the bottle well before you apply it so the oil evenly distributes in the solution.
6. As a Facial Steam
Who doesn't love a good facial steam? Try adding one drop of frankincense oil and lavender, if you have it, to a hot bowl of water. Drape a towel over you head and breathe deeply. The steam will open your pores, filling them with the beneficial properties of the oils. Its calming and mood-stabilizing aroma is an another awesome benefit!
7. Heal Sensitive Gums
Because frankincense is an antiseptic, its properties can help heal and prevent sensitive gums and other oral issues like canker sores and bad breath. Make your own toothpaste with the oil and baking soda, buy your own natural toothpaste with the oil in it, or use it as a mouthwash! For mouthwash, just place one drop in purified water and swish.
While it's debated whether or not essential oils have all the medicinal benefits they claim to have, there is certainly some truth to their healing properties! And when in combination with a healthy lifestyle and regular doctor visits, they can be really beneficial. If you love frankincense for natural beauty, what are some of the ways you use the oil? And remember, always consult your doctor before using these oils- they are very strong and need to be used with caution or avoided altogether with some medical conditions, like pregnancy and breastfeeding!