8 Ways to Fight Depression Naturally ...

Jordin Jun 11, 2013

Here are a few natural ways to fight depression. With medical science, it’s great that we have to option to be on meds if necessary. But if you only face occasional depression, or if you would like to avoid using medications, there are a few things you can do to kick those blues right out the door! Depression is real, and it can be hard to deal with. Choose a couple of these ways to fight depression to try out, and you’ll be feeling better in no time!

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1. Increase Your Sleep

One of the easiest ways to fight depression is by getting enough sleep. Try to increase your sleep by one to two hours per night, and make sure when you go to bed that you can get restful sleep. It helps to turn off the TV and make sure the room is dark and quiet. Sometimes a fan can help drown out noises from neighbors or the street.

2. Eat Healthier

Eating healthy, surprisingly, is one of the key factors for battling depression! If you tend to eat a lot of sweets or processed foods, the sugar and carbs break down in your blood stream and deplete you of energy, and encourage depression. Foods that are high in omega-3 fatty acids and folic acid can help battle depression, so add some tuna, spinach, and avocado to your diet!

3. Get Lots of Exercise

Exercise releases feel good hormones called endorphins. If you make it a habit to exercise 2-3 times per week, you might notice a difference in your depression! Even going for a brisk walk will get those hormones to buzzing, so don’t feel like you have to start running marathons or lifting weights.

4. Do Something for Others

There’s nothing that will help you climb out of depressive feelings like focusing on someone else for a while! Do a kind deed for a friend in need, or offer to listen to someone who needs to vent. Even delivering flowers to a complete stranger in the hospital is something you could do to get your mind off of your problems for a bit!

5. Try Something New

Often, depression sets in because we get stuck in a rut. It’s important to mix things up every now and then! Try a new class or read a new book. Take your partner out and do something that the two of you have never tried together! Be adventurous, and make sure you have fun. It’s hard to be depressed when you are having fun!

6. Set Goals for Yourself

Depression can cause you to feel worthless or unable to accomplish anything. Here’s how to handle those feelings! Set goals for yourself, like making your bed everyday. Once you are able to accomplish the simple things, start adding more challenging goals, until you have checked off some bigger items from your to-do list!

7. Use Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a natural remedy that is very effective in fighting depression. A trained doctor can insert needles into parts of your body that stimulate hormones to make you feel happy, alert, and in harmony. Acupuncture has been known to help many defeat their depression and move on in life!

8. Try Natural Supplements

If you don’t want to take prescription medications but aren’t opposed to natural herbs, there are a few supplements you can try out. St. John’s Wort, Maca, Camu Camu, and Rhodiola Rosea are all herbs that have been known to lift depression naturally. Make sure you check with your doctor before adding any supplement to your diet.

Remember, if your depression is deep, it may take a lot of perseverance to root it out. Make sure you have someone to talk to and encourage you no matter what! A trusted friend or relative is a good place to start. Depression can be conquered; you just need to work hard! How do you handle depression?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I try to do other thiinqqs to make me feel better but thru don't work.

Think positive. Pray and count ur blessings daily. Thank god for all that u have n thank Him for this very moment of being alive. Depression will start getting depressed n will soon disappear.

I hve had depression as long as I can remember,sucks:c Accupunture does work! Love,love,love! But I always hve heard St. John's is not safe.?.?

These are great points of advice, but PLEASE do not hesitate to see a professional!! All the journal writing, exercise, and diets in the world cannot get me through the daily life of depression like the medication. It might not be for everyone and it does take awhile to find the right type and dosage. But "self-help" cannot replace the guidance of a caring counselor and doctor. These points help in addition to the meds. I would not be able to function without a healthy lifestyle AND a doctors care.

Thank you so much for this! I really needed to find this today!

I have learnt to recognize when I start falling into a depressive state and force myself to do things I don't feel like doing, for instance, a party I can't be bothered going to bc I don't want to see anyone. But I make it a point to go, even for just an hour. And next thing, I've stayed for the whole event and proven to myself I can still have some fun. Helps a little to drag me back. :)

This is great! And it really does works! I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety four years ago, a year after my mother passed. I can say I stopped living completely and was only existing. I was put on meds, but meds always have side-effects so I had to stop because of the side effects and opted for therapy which included things like these, including relaxation exercises, doing outdoor activities and enjoying nature AND I regain my life and started loving life again in a couple of months. If you're in depression don't give up Life is beautiful! Seek help! Life is a great blessing!

Vitamin D! Along with being outside...someplace warm for even a week can do wonders.

Thanks for all these I really need to get through my depression so desperately

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