There are many ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle for a fitter and healthier you. Now that the summer is over, it's easy to hibernate and indulge in those yummy comfort foods in the colder weather, but this is the time to keep active and stay healthy and finding the motivation to do so can be a challenge. Here are some ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle in the colder months and beyond.
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1. A Routine
One of the best ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle is to get into an exercise routine. This will ensure that you exercise regularly and I'm a real advocate of the morning exercise routine. It really sets me up for the whole day and also means that when I get home from work, I can concentrate on other things. It doesn't have to be every morning though. Start off with a realistic routine that you can stick to and then work from there. You can always add more workouts when you have the time.
2. Rewards
We all love a reward, so why not treat yourself when you achieve your goal? Whether you've managed to resist the temptation to smoke for a whole month or have managed to keep to your exercise routine for six weeks, treat yourself to a massage, a trip to the theatre or anything else you enjoy when you have achieved that goal. It's a real motivational tool.
3. Support Network
Exercising with friends can be a real incentive as quite often, one person doesn't want to let the other one down! Having someone to exercise with can really help and if you're both working towards the same goal, whether it be quitting smoking, exercising more or eating more healthy foods, you can help each other by motivating each other and talking about how you're feeling along the way. It helps you remember that you're not alone on the journey ahead!
4. Tips Galore
By subscribing to magazines you can keep your workouts fresh and alleviate boredom, as they will be full of great hints and tips. There are some great people you can follow on Twitter too, such as Fitness Motivator, DailyHealth and Healthy Foods.
5. Competitions
Creating competitions with friends and co-workers will mean that you have a commitment to keep. Why not create a sport's team at work if one doesn't already exist? Or sign up for a race? There are so many which take place all around the world, so pick a place you have always wanted to go.
6. Picture This
Having a picture of a healthy and happy you on a vision board can be a great motivational tool. By looking at it every day, you will help manifest that in your life and remember why you're doing this.
7. 30 Mins or Less
If you can only work out for 30 minutes, that's ok. Don't be fooled by the "I can't work out for long so I won't bother" excuse. A 7 minute workout will also suffice. You can download the app "7 minute workout" by Fitness Guide Inc at It has been backed by scientific research showing that some high intensity exercises performed in 7 minutes with 10 second rests in between can be just as effective as an hour workout. Great for those with busy lives!
8. Dog Walking
Dogs are great, full of energy and desperate to be taken out for walkies. If you don't have one, why not offer to take your neighbor's dog out for a walk? Knowing that you have made a commitment to that cute pooch is motivation enough! Just think of its cute face and the way it wags its tail as it waits for you at the door...
9. Every Little Bit Helps
There are many ways you can incorporate exercise into your daily routine. For example, take the stairs instead of the lift and park a little further away from the supermarket entrance to clock up those steps on the imaginary pedometer. Take a walk at lunch, even if it's just around the block. Keeping active and healthy doesn't have to involve a change of clothes and a room full of exercise equipment!
There are so many ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle and become fitter and happier. What types of things do you do to keep yourself motivated to be healthy and happy?
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