7 Ways to Prevent Depression from Striking You ...

By Alicia9 Comments

There are many ways to prevent depression from striking you. Depression is a serious condition that affects millions of people in our country. It can cause problems in every area of your life. That is why it is important to use these ideas as ways to prevent depression.

1 Work on Being Optimistic

One of the best ways to prevent depression is to work on being optimistic. Some people are naturally optimistic, which is wonderful for them. For the rest of us, it is something we have to work toward. Thankfully, we can learn to be more optimistic in our lives. It is a matter of making the choice to look at the bright side of things.

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2 Get Enough Sleep

Sleep deprivation can be a contributing factor for depression. We all have a sleepless night every now and then for one reason or another, but the important thing is that you don’t allow it to be a regular thing. Commit to getting 7-8 hours of sleep per night, which is what the typical adult needs. If you have trouble sleeping, investigate what might be behind that.

3 Exercise

Exercise is great for preventing depression. It works toward this in several different ways. One way is that exercise makes your body release endorphins, which are chemicals that make your brain feel good and help fight depression. Exercise also helps you to manage your weight. Being a healthy weight is also good for preventing depression. Being overweight does not automatically mean you are going to be depressed but it can raise the risk.

4 Smile

Smiling is such a simple act, but it has a lot of power to help you feel happier. Ironically, when you make a decision to smile more you will probably find that you are fooling yourself. You find you are feeling happier after some time of doing this. It is one of those fake it until you make it scenarios.

5 Build a Good Support System

Everyone needs a good support system in their life. A support system is made up of caring family members, friends or both. Having people that care for you and are there to help you throughout your life is very encouraging. Facing life all alone is difficult and can absolutely make you feel depressed. If you don’t have a very good support system, work on establishing one.

6 Laugh

As my husband always tells me, laughing is healthy. It really is. There are many reputable sources that back this up, including webMD and Psychology Today. If you aren’t sure how to get more laughs in your life, try watching a comedy or signing up to have a daily joke delivered to your inbox. Additionally, choosing to see the humor in everyday situations is helpful.

7 Let Yourself Have Fun

A lot of times the responsibilities of life drag us down. We can get in a rut where all we do is work and take care of our other responsibilities. While those are very important things to do, you need to have balance in your life. Balance includes time for relaxation and fun. If those two ingredients are missing, see what you can do to fix that.

There are many things you can do to prevent depression from striking you. What do you do to make sure you aren’t the next victim? I would love to hear from you.

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