People like to joke and complain about how much of the world is currently obsessed with and consumed by social media. It's not true for everyone, of course, but I bet most people you know have some kind of social media account. Almost everyone is active somewhere. The thing is, there are several positive benefits related to using social media. You really do get to stay in touch with people and make new friends, and you share more than you might be able to otherwise. Even more than that, you can use your social media counts to track your mental health, which is certainly beneficial. You have a map of your moods and the moments they hit you.
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1. You Can Keep Track of Moments of Anger, Sadness, Happiness, and Depression
Especially if you use Time Hop or you pay attention to the memories on your Facebook account, you have a great way of keeping up with your deepest, most powerful moods and feelings throughout the years. You don't even need those two things, of course. You can just as easily scroll through your history to see what you've posted about your feelings.
2. Your past Timeline Can Reveal Any Triggers
You can also use your social media timelines to see what events, people, or actions triggered you in the past. Your job might be the source of your lack of ambition. Your relationship with a friend or family member could be the root of your sadness.
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3. You'll See if Your Moods Have Drastically Changed over Time
This can be a sign of so many things, so it's beneficial that you can see it. If you haven't been feeling yourself, you have a ready-made map that can explain why you feel that way. This might be the key to discovering a deeper problem. You may also be able to spot a mental health issue before it gets serious.
4. You Can Track Extreme High Points and Low Points, as Well
For the same reason, you can and should look for extreme highs and lows in your emotions, moods, and behaviors. This, too, can help you see why your feelings swing so drastically. Similarly, if you find that you haven't experienced a lot of extreme mood changes but you now are, that can help your mental health.
5. You Can See Which Factors in Your Life Affect Your Moods
Again, you can track your social media histories to see what things in your life affect your moods the most. You'll find plenty of the usual, such as family, friends, and loved ones, your job, your pets, your finances, your bills, and your love life. However, once you're paying close attention, you might find other factors, as well.
6. Toxic Friends, Family Members, and Acquaintances Will Be More Obvious
I think this is so important. Social media often reveals the toxicity of others -- and not just anonymous people, either. Sometimes even the people in your real life will say things online that they would never say in person. You may also recognize certain patterns of behavior when you see it in black and white. If so, this is a chance to pinpoint the toxic people in your life and get rid of them.
7. Signs of Situational and Seasonal Depression Are Clearer
Patterns of all sorts will pop up as you go through your social media accounts. You might notice, for instance, that the depression you're feeling this winter, this holiday season, or this anniversary has actually popped up through the years.
Did you ever realize social media was useful in this way? Have you ever used it to track your health or moods?
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