We all know how important keeping fit is, but how many of us sign up to a gym and then stop going after a few sessions? Maybe keeping up to date with the world of exercise and health will provide more impetus to keep going to the gym. Check out these brilliant websites to help you stay active.
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1. Active.com
Want to read about working out, learn about fitness plans and sign up for races and athletic events all in the same place? Then active.com is your go-to resource! Whether you are just starting out with a Couch to 5k Plan, or are training for your second marathon, Active.com has all of the resources you need to take you from flab to fabulous.
2. Blood, Sweat & Cheers
Via a free daily email, Blood, Sweat & Cheers sends you one fun, active and social event, activity, product, race series or gear item that you need to know about that day. Whether it's a Zombie Infested 5k, a prom-themed run (badprom.com) sweeping the nation by storm, or an all you can eat and drink cornhole tournament, Blood, Sweat & Cheers has the lo-down and wants to tell you about it.
3. Well and Good NYC
A New York City-based health and wellness blog, WellandGoodNYC.com is perfect for the yogis, fitness buffs and cleanse experimenters out there. Offering the latest news on fitness trends, flash workouts and health food finds, Well and Good NYC also test runs the latest workouts and reports back to readers.
4. the Active Times
For the more adventurous, The Active Times provides a mix of health and wellness news and resources, outdoorsy finds (like the 10 coolest national parks to visit!), extreme sports videos and camping gear. Covering everything from road running, cycling trails, hiking, camping, water sports, travel and more, it's a great place to start an adventure or even a new hobby!
5. Greatist
Why do we get stressed? Are personal trainers really worth it? Does walking on an incline burn more calories than jogging? If you've ever asked any of these questions, Greatist can help you answer them -- all while providing a steady stream of fitness tips, workout plans, health debates and motivational posters.
Greatist stands as a trustworthy companion in your journey towards a healthier lifestyle. Whether you're deciphering nutrition labels, contemplating the benefits of yoga versus high-intensity interval training, or seeking the science behind the latest health trends, this site is brimming with answers and insights. Above all, Greatist celebrates body positivity and mental well-being, underscoring that health isn't solely about physical appearance but also about feeling good inside out. With its diverse content, it ensures there’s something for everyone—no matter where you are on your fitness journey.
6. Workout Labs
Want a customized personal training plan without having to shell out half of your paycheck every month? Workout Labs has the answer! Print out circuits, workouts and fitness training plans from your home or office computer... for free! Workout Labs provides step-by-step exercise instructions, illustrations, and fitness tips according to your personal needs. All you need to do is fill out a simple survey!
7. Q by Equinox
Brought to you by the leaders behind the fitness conglomerate Equinox Gyms, Q by Equinox is a editorial site devoted to giving readers more than just a good workout. Breaking down the latest fitness trackers, providing strength training manuals and hosting demonstrative videos, the site is a place for fitness enthusiasts to not only learn more about fitness, but also understand the whys and hows that come with working out.
These 7 websites to help you stay active are just a few of the hundreds that are there to inspire you. Are you a fan of any of these or are you a devotee of other sites you can recommend to us?
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