7 Tips on Preventing Childhood Obesity. ...

Melanie Feb 18, 2011

7 Tips on Preventing Childhood Obesity. ...
7 Tips on Preventing Childhood Obesity. ...

Childhood obesity is on the rise today and I believe something should be done about it. Many times, childhood obesity is caused by parents (or lack of parenting skills). Parents who let their children eat whatever they want, whenever they want are causing their child to gain weight. Parents who allow their children to sit in front of the television on the couch all day, every day are causing this problem. You have to encourage your child to eat right and to get up off of the couch. Below, I am going to give you 7 tips on preventing childhood obesity …

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7. Avoid Junk Food

Of course, when preventing childhood obesity, you should definitely stay out of that junk food aisle. Limit the junk food and don’t encourage them to eat it. If you fix your child’s lunch for school every day, don’t put a bag of potato chips in their lunch box. Instead, put something that is good for them, like tomato slices or an orange.

6. Limit Their Time in Front of the Television

Of course, watching television and playing video games is fun and I won’t deny this. I will not deprive my child of these things, but I do believe in limiting them. You know, because there are other activities they should take part in as well.

5. Encourage Them to Play outside

Playing outside is always fun to do, especially when the weather is right. Encourage your child to go out and play. Perhaps you should go out and play with them as well – they would love that one.

4. Make Sure They Eat Their Fruits and Vegetables

You should always make sure your child eats their right amount of fruits and vegetables each day. Tell them that the food will help them to grow up and be strong. Tell the little girl it will make their hair beautiful – my little one enjoys eating her fruits and vegetables, even brussel sprouts.

3. Don’t Yell at Them when They Don’t Finish Their Entire Plate

Of course, the child should eat until they are full. However, if they do not finish their entire plate, don’t yell at them. By doing this, you will be teaching them to over eat and they will grow up over eating – if they truly are not hungry, then they should stop eating.

2. Skip the Drive Thru

That drive thru is no good for you. If you have a stove, go home and cook. Point blank.

1. Be a Good Role Model

You, as a parent , guardian or sibling should be a good role model. Don’t sit in front of them and indulge in junk food, don’t be lazy, don’t go through the drive thru and certainly, go out and get some exercise.

Those are my 7 tips on preventing childhood obesity. It is important that you help prevent childhood obesity. While every child is precious, I have noticed that children who are overweight are more susceptible to being bullied in school – I’m sorry, this is just what I have noticed during my days of school. So, do you agree with me on this?

Top Photo Credit: chancedite

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