If you suffer yeast overgrowth, you need to look into some efficient and effective anti-yeast remedies immediately. If left untreated, yeast overgrowth can cause a number of health issues, some of which have even been linked to cancer. Yeast overgrowth affects a large number of women, along with many men. Yeast can go unnoticed for years until it becomes rampant and out of control. To learn how to best control yeast overgrowth without prescription drugs, consider some of the anti-yeast remedies below. Many people who have used these have reported a number of success rates on various websites.
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1. An anti-Yeast Diet
First and foremost, the most important protocol of all anti-yeast remedies is to eat an anti-yeast diet. What is this, you ask? Well, it’s a diet that’s very friendly to the glycemic index in the body. This means not eating any foods that cause a glycemic rise or sugar cravings. Any source of carbohydrates naturally affects your glycemic index. To control it the best way possible, you need to severely limit the amount of sugars you eat, and even the amount of carbohydrates. All carbohydrates, even complex sources, turn to sugar in the bloodstream. When this happens, yeast feeds on those sugars and overgrowth occurs. Remove all processed food, fast food, all sources of sugar (even natural ones like fruit), all grains, and all sources of starchy vegetables like potatoes and corn. I know this sounds dramatic, but you can later add back starchy veggies and gluten-free whole grains once the yeast overgrowth is under control. Your diet should be rich in whole foods and sources of high quality protein like wild fish, organic poultry, pastured eggs, all greens, all green vegetables, and small amounts of grain-free seeds like quinoa, chia, flax, almond, pumpkin, and sunflower seeds, along with amaranth. You also need to add liberal amounts of coconut products and other healthy fats to your diet. These do not feed yeast, and help to combat yeast overgrowth. Whatever you do, avoid all sugar, all fast food, and all processed food. Be sure to avoid all sources of dairy since it is mucus forming, and can also promote yeast overgrowth.
2. Coconut Oil
As I mentioned, coconut oil is a great tool in your anti-yeast remedy protocol. Coconut oil is rich in lauric acid and caprylic acid. It is also rich in certain fats that help detoxify the body. Coconut oil has been found impressively effective for not only treating yeast, but killing it. Buy extra virgin and organic coconut oil, along with coconut butter, flour, and unsweetened coconut shreds. Coconut sugar does not count, since it is still a form of sugar to the body. You can also use coconut oil as a topical treatment to combat yeast itching, dryness, and it should replace all chemical-based lotions in your routine as well.
3. Oregano Oil
Oregano oil has been found to be highly effective for treating candida yeast, and all variations of yeast overgrowth, including parasites. You can take it as a tincture, and as a supplement. Be aware, that like coconut products, it is highly detoxifying and may cause a severe die-off reaction like headaches or flu-like symptoms when yeast is being destroyed. Tough this part out, it does pass and you’ll feel much better as time passes.
4. Pau D’Arco Tea
This is one of my favorite herbal teas and you can find it anywhere herbal teas are sold. It is found in many detox tea blends as well. Pau d’Arco tea is a natural anti-fungal and when combined with other measures such as the ones above, it has been found highly effective to kill fungus and treat yeast overgrowth.
5. Enemas
I hate to be blunt here, but enemas are also used to rid the body of wastes that can accumulate with yeast overgrowth in the body. If you suffer irregularity and constant constipation problems, speak with a healthcare provider who can explain safe ways to do an enema. Many people find that they are able to release parasites this way, and it is a more natural treatment to the body than laxatives are.
6. Purified Water
One thing you might not know about yeast overgrowth is the issue of fluoride. We are told this essential element is a required nutrient for our body, yet it’s the type found in tap water that is in such high amounts at toxic levels that it becomes a problem. Fluoride can feed yeast overgrowth, as well as weaken the thyroid. Use a water filter that removes at least 99% of fluoride and use it for all your water needs. It’s not a bad idea to install a shower filter either, since your skin absorbs everything you put on it and transfers it to your bloodstream, including water.
7. Mercury-free Seafood
Another thing you may not be aware of is mercury and yeast. Mercury from all sources, including mercury-laden fish, is one of the number one causes of yeast overgrowth. You need to purchase mercury-free seafood, and always buy wild caught whenever possible. Farmed fish is laden with toxins that feed yeast overgrowth, along with sources of GMO corn and GMO soy through feed, waters that might be contaminated with feces and parasites, fertilizers, hormones, and antibiotics. Vital Choice Seafood is a great option for getting mercury-free fish, and you can have it shipped directly to your home. Learn more about Vital Farms at vitalfarms.com.
8. No Caffeine
You also need to avoid caffeine. It raises blood sugar levels in the body and can mimic the effects of sugar in the bloodstream, furthering candida and yeast overgrowth. Drink decaf green tea as the best option if you don’t have water. Coffee also contains mold due to the way it is processed and left to ferment for days in the sun before being dried and ground. Avoid all sources of mold like coffee, along with black tea, which also contains caffeine and is fermented the same way.
9. Detox Foods
Along with an anti-yeast diet, you also need to add detox foods to your diet to replace bad foods that feed yeast. These include cilantro, parsley, wheatgrass, spirulina, all leafy greens, garlic, onion, oregano, broccoli, celery, lemons, ginger, turmeric, turnips, avocados, butternut squash, beets, and chlorella. These foods help pull mercury, toxins, and yeast out of the body, and they also help to promote healthy blood sugar levels.
Yeast overgrowth is nothing to mess with. As I mentioned, it can lead to a host of health problems many people aren’t aware of. Some of these anti-yeast remedies above can not only help combat yeast overgrowth, but are also good measures for health in general. To learn more about yeast overgrowth, please visit the sources below, and to find out more about the suggestions in this article. Have you ever had an experience with yeast overgrowth? How did you get help?
Sources: candidadiet.com, rickiheller.com, optimalhealthnetwork.com, coconutoil.com, yeastinfectionadvisor.com
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