Dangerous Chemicals in Your Home ...


Dangerous Chemicals in Your Home ...
Dangerous Chemicals in Your Home ...

Phytoremedition? A cleaner home environment.

One of the most significant challenges of our times is air pollution. As an individual, you can't do anything about the broader world issues, but you can help control your own living space. Our homes are filled with many, and mostly synthetic, products that give off harmful gases.

These are called volatile organic compounds or VOCs and can be produced from anything such as furniture to cleaning fluids. It is the chemicals used in their manufacture that emit these gases. Although these are found in minuscule amounts there so many, that added up, they can lead to a toxic and harmful environment. If anyone in your family has asthma or other respiratory ailments, these toxins can aggravate their condition.

An easy and lovely solution to combating this is by using plants to help purify the air. Not only do plants brighten up your indoor space, but you can also help alleviate the number of harmful toxins in the atmosphere in which you live.

Phytoremedition is the fancy, scientific name for the process of using plants to clean the air. Plants absorb many of the gases that are potentially harmful to humans. By using their roots, leaves and the soil they are planted in, they suck in these gases and use them for their own growth, expelling clean air back into the atmosphere.

A lot of studies have gone into the use of plants as air purifiers, even by the space agency NASA, which has a list of tho are considered the best. Most of these are readily available at your local nursery. Some don’t need much care and attention, others need more. It is up you to decide which to use, according to how much love you wish to lavish on your plants.

Other factors to take into account are what harmful gases are you most concerned about. Some of these plants are general purifiers, but others are more specialized and only absorb certain types of gases. You should be careful if you have small children or pets because some plants can be harmful to either or both. Most help counter the gases which we emit through simply breathing, like carbon dioxide.

Remember, a well-ventilated home can combat the buildup of these gases. A few questions before buying your plants at the nursery will help you choose what is best for you and your family.

What follows is a list of the three most worrisome chemicals that can be found in all our homes. They are located in manufactured goods that we have around the house and use every day.

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1. Benzene

This can irritate both eyes and skin, plus a whole range of other effects. Can be found in rubber, paints, oils, detergents. Even in pharmaceuticals and dyes.

2. Trichloroethylene or TCE

Metal cleaning products, glues, varnishes, lacquers, paints, inks, and dry-cleaning. This has been linked to potential liver damage.

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3. Formaldehyde

This comes in different forms. Irritates the membranes of the nose, eyes, and throat. Exacerbates asthma and can cause headaches. It has also been linked to the risk of throat cancer. Can be found in foam insulation, particle boards, and other paper and pressed-wood products. Even in facial tissues, wrinkle creams, cigarette smoke, fuels for both cooking and heating and different types of products.

There are other harmful chemicals in daily use and for more in-depth research on the effects of toxic gases that manufactured goods cause and the plants to use, start by following the links below. wolvertonenvironmental.com or en.wikipedia.org

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