8 Delightful and Fun Ways to Pamper Yourself ...


8 Delightful and Fun Ways to Pamper Yourself ...
8 Delightful and Fun Ways to Pamper Yourself ...

How to Pamper Yourself, indulge yourself, invite utter relaxation -- how many of you would like to learn how? I know I would! Every girl deserves a little pampering and if no one is going to do it for you, then you are just going to have to pamper yourself. Not a problem really, because you know what you need and deserve more than anyone else. However, for some women, that means learning how to pamper yourself properly. After all, when you spend all day working, running around, and/or taking care of others, it's hard to just slow down. If you need to learn how to pamper yourself, no worries. Here is a list of 8 delightful and fun ways to pamper yourself to get you started.

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1. Watch a Chick Flick

If you want to learn how to pamper yourself, you can start simply. Trust me, it doesn't take a lot to relax. Start out with your favorite flicks. Watch your favorite girly movie or even a classic 80s movie. Let your mind relax and enjoy the entertainment.

2. Massage

Spoil yourself with a nice massage. When you're figuring out how to pamper yourself, what better than to let someone release the tension in your muscles? Everyone deserves a massage here and there, and right now is your turn.

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3. Mani and Pedi

Us girls really know how to pamper ourselves with a nice mani and pedi. Afterwards our hands and feet are so relaxed and looking beautiful. Gather up your best friends and head to the nail salon.

4. Expensive Wine

Good wine doesn’t have to be just for special occasions. Girl, you are special enough, you can drink that wine whenever you want it. Fill a glass, draw a bath, undress, and get in. Now if that doesn’t sound like an amazing tip on how to pamper yourself, then I don’t know what is.

5. Read a Book

Life gets busy. Between work, friends, family, and chores, we don’t get to take much time for the things we enjoy. It's also hard to spend any time alone. When wanting to learn how to pamper yourself, it is important to remember to take time alone. So grab an hour and your favorite book for a little alone-time indulgence.

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6. Nap Time

I love taking naps. It’s probably my favorite way to pamper myself. Take some time away on the weekend to nap or just sleep in an extra hour or two in the morning. You are bound to feel rested and refreshed afterwards.

7. Eat Dessert

If you are headed out to dinner, follow this tip on how to pamper yourself. Order a small salad or appetizer, skip the main meal and save for dessert. Typically when we eat out, we get too full by the time we're ready to eat dessert. Skip the steak and potato and indulge in chocolate cake and ice cream.

8. Shopping

Shopping is rule number when it comes to pampering yourself. Go to the mall and bring your wallet. It’s time to splurge on you for a change. You know those boots you’ve been lusting after? Now is your time to pamper yourself and buy those boots.

Learning how to pamper yourself isn't hard, but you might have to change the way you think. Women are nurturers, and sometimes it's hard for us to really take time out for ourselves. That's why it's important to learn how to pamper yourself and then take the time to do it. I hope you enjoyed all the fun ways to pamper yourself. Please share any other things you’d like to add to my list of 8 delightful and fun ways to pamper yourself. If you have further tips on how to pamper yourself, we'd love to know them!

Top Image Source: weheartit.com

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