8 Excellent Tips to Help You Not Overeat ...


8 Excellent Tips to Help You Not Overeat ...
8 Excellent Tips to Help You Not Overeat ...

Overeating has probably been one of the hardest things for me to overcome in my weight loss journey. I know what I should and shouldn’t eat. I do pretty well at eating the right things. But even too much of the good stuff can add too many calories and blow your weight loss efforts. Check out these 8 tips to not overeat.

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Eat when You Are Hungry

I know how tempting some foods can be to eat even when you aren’t hungry. But one of the biggest tips to not overeat is to avoid eating just when you are not hungry. If you have to, avoid food all together when you aren’t hungry. Don't feel tempted by something just because it looks or smells good.


Put down Your Fork between Bites

It takes your stomach a long time to register that it is full. Most of the time we have already eaten too much by the time our stomach starts feeling full. The trick is to put your fork down between bites. Don’t pick it back up until you have completely finished your bite and swallowed. This gives the food more time to reach your stomach and alert your brain when it is full.


Chew Slowly

Enjoy each bite of food and chew slowly. If your pizza is so amazing you should want to savor it, not rush through each bite and on to the next. That second or third slice doesn’t taste any better than the first. Chew slowly and save yourself from over eating.


Start with Your Veggies

Another tip to not overeat is to fill up on the good stuff first. Vegetables have more fiber than simple carbohydrates like white rice and potatoes. Eat your veggies, chew slowly, put down your fork between bites, and then move on to the other food on your plate.


Share Dessert

Sometimes dessert is too good to skip. It’s fine to indulge. But instead of stuffing that double layer chocolate cake drizzled in fudge in your mouth, why not share it with your best friend. You don’t need it all and she is sure to love some of it too.

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Box-up Half Your Entrée when Eating out

Food portions at restaurants can be insane. Sometimes one entrée can be enough to feed two or three people. Have the waiter box up half your meal right away so you aren’t tempted to eat it. Save the leftovers for lunch or dinner another time.


Drink Water

Don’t forget to drink water. One of my favorite tips to not overeat is to finish a glass of water before my meal. I continue to drink water with my meal. The water takes up room in my stomach leaving me feeling fuller and saving me from overeating.


Plan Your Meal

Many experts suggest this tip to not overeat. They say to plan out small meals throughout the day. Try to eat 5 to 6 small meals instead of 3 larger ones. Knowing what you are going to eat in a couple hours may save your from eating too much at lunch or dinner.

What do you think about these tips to not overeat? Are you going to give any of them a try? If you are one that constantly finds yourself overeating, what have you done to try to stop the habit? Please share your own tips to not overeat.

Top Image Source: weheartit.com

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Mom says that I am not fat but I think that I am :( every time I see chips or candies or pizza..........I can't stop myself from eating them!!! Help me!!! :(

i know how u all feel i eat 2 much and now my stomach is sooooo fat

where are the other 7 tips

I find keeping a food diary really helps me to stay on top of what I'm eating. It makes me more aware of what I'm consuming and makes me feel guilty about picking up food that isn't nutritious!

I think it's best to just stay away from good foods and get involved in something you like to distract you.

I have better one : eat something not tasty but healthy, and only that. The best diet evah. ;P

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