Irritable bowel syndrome, also called IBS, is a digestive condition that can cause pretty unpleasant symptoms, including pain, cramping, bloating, gas, diarrhea and constipation. The illness is chronic and often involves making lifestyle and dietary changes that help keep the symptoms at bay. If you suffer from IBS, it’s a good idea to talk with your doctor about what foods you can and can’t eat. However, the foods on this list are generally safe for most people.
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1. Fennel Can Really Help
Many people with irritable bowel syndrome report that fennel helps cut bloating and gas. It has a slightly licorice type flavor that many people think is appealing, both cooked and raw. You can add shaved fennel to salads or roast it with chicken or fish. Fennel is easy to find at grocery stores and is simple to work with, so give it a try today.
2. Bananas Are Mild and Nutritious
Bananas are a great food anytime you’re having stomach issues, but they are especially good for people with IBS. A banana contains fiber to help promote healthy digestion, but it’s also easy on the tummy so it’s less likely to cause discomfort when compared to other foods. Fresh and dried bananas are both great choices and can help boost potassium intake as well.
3. Chicken and Fish Are Good Protein Sources
For many people with IBS, chicken and fish don’t exacerbate symptoms. Both are mild and easy to digest, making them healthy choices that help you get adequate amounts of protein. Grill or bake the meat to keep it mild and be careful with seasonings and sauces, some of which might not agree with you.
4. Plain Baked Potatoes Are Perfect
A baked potato is a great option for people with irritable bowel syndrome because it will be easy to digest and has a mild taste. For people who aren’t lactose intolerant, a bit of butter or sour cream probably won’t irritate your condition or cause a flare of symptoms. Pair your baked potato with fish or chicken and some steamed veggies, and you have a meal that is pretty much as ideal as it gets for IBS.
5. Frozen Yogurt is Perfectly Fine
As long as aren’t lactose intolerant, you should be able to eat dairy foods. However, each person’s trigger foods are different so be sure you monitor what you eat so you can cut things out that may be bothering you. Frozen yogurt is a good choice because the cold temperature can soothe your gut and it’s also a prime source of calcium and offers some protein too.
6. Go Ahead and Have Some Pasta if You Want to
Pasta isn’t one of the top trouble foods for most people who have irritable bowel syndrome. However, the sauces you put on top can really do a number on you, so be sure you choose something mild. You might be ok with tomato sauce, but creamy sauces could cause symptoms. A bit of butter and a dab of salt and pepper is typically a safe bet if you can’t find a sauce that works for you.
7. Fruit is Often Easy on the Stomach
While certain fruits, such as apples, melons and citrus, can aggravate your IBS, many of them are fine. You need fruit in your diet because it contains vitamins A and C, potassium, and antioxidants. Experiment with fruit to see what you can safely eat. Experts suggest eating the fruit with the skin, which helps boost fiber intake, something that can really help IBS.
Do you have IBS? What foods are safe for you to eat?
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