7 Foods to Eat to Help with Acid Reflux ...


7 Foods to Eat to Help with Acid Reflux ...
7 Foods to Eat to Help with Acid Reflux ...

Knowing the right foods to eat if you have acid reflux is key to not having to suffer the painful effects after a meal. If you have acid reflux or even a serious case of heartburn then you know exactly what I am talking about. It’s really not a whole lot of fun and for some, the pain isn’t worth eating some of your favorite reflux causing foods. Luckily there are tons of other good foods to eat if you have acid reflux. Read on to find out what foods are good for reflux.

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Low-Fat Dairy

Low-Fat Dairy Are you a cheese lover? Swiss, cheddar, smoked gouda. I love it all. Unfortunately, full fat cheese is a no-no on the list of foods to eat if you have acid reflux. Instead opt for low-fat options of your favorite dairy products. It’s better than going cheese-less.


Low-fat dairy products are a great option for people suffering from acid reflux. Dairy products like yogurt, cottage cheese, and milk are all excellent sources of calcium, which helps to neutralize stomach acid. Low-fat dairy also contains probiotics, which help to keep the digestive system healthy and functioning properly.

In addition to low-fat dairy, there are several other foods that can help to reduce the symptoms of acid reflux. Whole grains, such as brown rice and oatmeal, are high in fiber and can help to reduce inflammation in the digestive tract. Fruits such as apples, bananas, and pears are also high in fiber and can help to reduce the symptoms of acid reflux.

Eating smaller meals more frequently can also help to reduce the symptoms of acid reflux. Eating fewer, larger meals can cause the stomach to produce more acid, which can lead to an increase in symptoms. Eating smaller meals throughout the day can help to keep the stomach acid levels more consistent.



Vegetables Veggies are always a great option for anything. I try to fill up half my plate with a variety of veggies before adding on anything else. Not only are they healthy and filling, but they are also a safe bet for those with acid reflux. What are some of your most favorite vegetables? I like broccoli.


Vegetables are an excellent choice for those with acid reflux, as they are rich in fiber and nutrients, and can help to reduce symptoms of the condition. Eating a variety of vegetables is the best way to ensure you are getting all the essential vitamins and minerals your body needs. Broccoli is a great option, as it is high in fiber and contains a compound called sulforaphane, which has been shown to reduce inflammation. Other vegetables that can help with acid reflux include kale, spinach, bell peppers, and asparagus.

It is important to remember that vegetables should be cooked in a healthy way. Avoid frying vegetables, as this can increase the risk of acid reflux. Instead, opt for steaming, boiling, or roasting. Additionally, it is important to avoid adding too much salt or other seasonings to the vegetables, as these can worsen acid reflux symptoms.

Finally, if you are having difficulty getting enough vegetables into your diet, there are other options. Vegetable juices, smoothies, and soups are all great ways to get the nutrients you need. Additionally, there are many supplements available that can provide you with the vitamins and minerals you need.


Most Fruits

Most Fruits Fruits are also good and healthy. However, for acid reflux, not all fruits are created equal. Avoid citrus fruits. The acid will be your worst nightmare. Fruits make a great on the go snack or a good side to a sandwich at lunch. How do you add fruit to your diet?


Fruits are a great way to get essential vitamins and minerals while maintaining a healthy diet. They are also a great source of dietary fiber, which helps to keep the digestive system running smoothly. However, when it comes to acid reflux, not all fruits are created equal. Citrus fruits, such as oranges, lemons, and limes, are highly acidic and can cause irritation in the digestive system.

Although citrus fruits should be avoided, there are many other types of fruits that can be safely eaten. Bananas, apples, pears, and melons are all great choices for people with acid reflux. Berries, such as blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries, are also low in acidity and make a great addition to smoothies or yogurt.

Fruits are a great snack to have on the go or as a side to a sandwich at lunch. They can also be added to salads, oatmeal, or cereal for a healthy breakfast. Fruits can be eaten fresh, frozen, canned, or dried. When buying canned fruit, look for varieties that are packed in juice or water instead of syrup.



Grains Grains? Think whole grains like quinoa, oatmeal, and whole grain breads, pastas and cereal. You see, whole grains digest smoothly and avoid creating acid effects in the stomach. As an added bonus, whole grains also contain selenium, which is an antioxidant that creates a protective liner in the esophagus. Makes you think twice about skipping that bowl of oatmeal every morning, huh?


Whole grains are an excellent choice for people suffering from acid reflux, as they are a source of dietary fiber and can help to reduce symptoms. Whole grains are also a great source of B vitamins, iron, magnesium, and zinc. Additionally, whole grains contain selenium, which is an antioxidant that helps to create a protective lining in the esophagus.

Eating whole grains can help to reduce the amount of acid in the stomach and help to reduce the risk of heartburn. Whole grains are also a great source of complex carbohydrates, which help to keep blood sugar levels stable and provide energy throughout the day.

Whole grains can be enjoyed in a variety of ways. Oatmeal, quinoa, and whole grain breads, pastas, and cereals are all excellent choices. You can also add whole grains to salads, soups, and other dishes for added flavor and texture.

In addition to eating whole grains, it is important to limit other foods that can trigger acid reflux, such as caffeine, alcohol, and spicy and acidic foods. Eating smaller meals throughout the day and avoiding eating right before bedtime can also help to reduce symptoms of acid reflux.


Herbal Teas

Herbal Teas Herbal teas are my favorite. Most are calming and relaxing. They have great flavor and will prevent acid reflux. I like my tea with a little bit of honey to add a sweet taste. How do you like to drink your tea?


Herbal teas are a great way to help reduce acid reflux symptoms. They are naturally caffeine-free and can be enjoyed hot or cold. Herbal teas are made from a variety of herbs, such as chamomile, ginger, peppermint, and hibiscus. Each of these herbs has its own unique flavor and properties that can help reduce acid reflux symptoms.

Chamomile tea is a popular choice for people with acid reflux. It has a calming effect and can help reduce stomach acid. Ginger tea is another excellent choice for acid reflux. It helps reduce inflammation and can help soothe an upset stomach. Peppermint tea can also help reduce acid reflux symptoms. The menthol in peppermint tea can help relax the muscles in the digestive tract and reduce stomach acid.

Hibiscus tea is another option for people with acid reflux. It has anti-inflammatory properties and can help reduce heartburn and indigestion. Adding a bit of honey to your herbal tea can help enhance the flavor and add a touch of sweetness.

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Low-Fat Meats

Low-Fat Meats Protein is important for those with acid reflux. It helps rebuild and strengthen damaged muscles like those of the esophagus. But remember, not all protein is created equal. Stick to low-fat options and avoid meats that are high in fat like bacon and sausage. Fish, chicken, and lean red meats are best.


When choosing low-fat meats for acid reflux, it's important to consider the fat content of the meat. Red meats like beef and pork are higher in fat than white meats like chicken and fish. The leaner the meat, the better it is for those with acid reflux. For example, the leanest cuts of beef are tenderloin, sirloin, and round. Pork tenderloin is also a good choice.

When it comes to fish, salmon, mackerel, herring, and trout are all good options. They are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory properties. Chicken is also a good choice, as it is low in fat and high in protein.

In addition to low-fat meats, those with acid reflux should also consider plant proteins like beans, legumes, and tofu. These plant-based proteins are not only low in fat, but they are also rich in fiber, which can help reduce acid reflux symptoms.

In general, it is best to avoid processed meats like bacon, sausage, and deli meats. These meats are usually high in fat and sodium, which can exacerbate acid reflux symptoms.



Water Water is another great fighter of acid reflux. Be sure to drink your water everyday. While the most people think that 64oz is good, experts say drinking 100oz or more is actually better. I know that sounds like a lot, but once you get into the habit it is easy. How much water do you drink everyday?

If you suffer from acid reflux then eating these 7 foods should help you avoid flare ups.The key is to fill up on the good stuff and avoid the bad. Of course there are times when you are willing to risk acid reflux for a treat. Tread with cation and don't overdo it. What are some of the things you like to eat to avoid acid reflux? Share with us your favorite foods and recipes.

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

is acidity a life long disease?

Not all vegetables are safe for acid reflux. Things like cabbage, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts, can all have some very painful consequences to people who suffer from chronic acid reflux.

an I have icecreams?

Chocolate, caffeine, alcohol, and fried foods should be avoided.

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