Gluten Free Isn't All It's Cracked up to Be Here's Why You Should Keep Eating It ...


My son eats gluten-free because he has an intolerance that makes life pretty miserable when he does eat it. However, when we began our quest to find out what was going on with his digestion, all of the experts we consulted strongly cautioned against going gluten free unless there was a medical reason to do so. For some reason, eating gluten free has gained in popularity among the Hollywood crowd. You should never start eating gluten free without advice from a doctor because it does pose the risk of health issues if you don’t do it properly. Here are several compelling reasons to skip the gluten free trend unless you have to eat that way.

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You Need Carbs

Yes, you can get them from other sources, but many people make the mistake of thinking that no carbs is a good idea. The truth is that your body needs carbs because they are your main source of energy. The trick is to get them from the right sources. Whole wheat is one prime carb and eating gluten free means you can’t eat it. Other whole grains are helpful too.


Nutritional Deficiencies

Foods that contain gluten – mainly the grain foods - are a great source of a bunch of vitamins and minerals you need for good health. Skipping them sets you up for the risk of deficiencies. That includes iron and B vitamins. Be cautious because this can lead to anemia, lowered energy levels and other scary health issues.


Fiber Intake

One of the most challenging things I face when shopping for my son is the fiber content in gluten free products. Much of them are made with white rice flour or potato flour, which puts him at risk of not getting enough fiber. Skipping grain foods poses this risk to anyone on a gluten free diet. You’ll have to shop very carefully to find foods rich in fiber as replacements. Unless you have to be gluten free, it’s easier to just eat the normal stuff.


It’s Hard

Once you go gluten free, eating becomes something you’ll have to be much more conscious of. Going out to dinner will require careful scrutiny of the menu and shopping for groceries takes longer as you’ll be reading all the labels to be sure you can eat a given item. Trust me – if you don’t have to, don’t do it!


Not a Weight Loss Cure

The likely reason you lose weight when going gluten free is because you aren’t eating as many carbs. Regardless of how much gluten you’re eating, that can lead to pounds lost. However, as I said above, you need some carbs for energy. If you want to lose weight, it’s better to just make sure you’re burning more calories than you consumer rather than trying to eliminate gluten for no reason.

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It’s Not Always Healthier

Many people make the mistake of thinking that gluten free is healthier. That’s simply not true. A jumbo marshmallow is gluten free, but that doesn’t make it a good food choice, right? Just because something is gluten free doesn’t make it an automatic healthy thing to eat.


It’s Pricey

Let me tell you that you don’t want to shell out for gluten free food unless you have to. How about this for a reality check - $7 for a loaf of bread, $4 for one muffin and $2 for a single cereal bar. If I didn’t have to buy those things, I wouldn’t. I would never compromise my son’s health for a few bucks, but those gluten free items can really jack up your grocery bill.

Do you eat gluten free? What are your reasons?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

My health has improved since going gluten free. I have more energy, ive lost weight and grocery bill is less since i dont buy a lot of what i used to. So...

I have Crohn's and I don't see any difference with going gluten free. I think it's really silly for people to jump on this bandwagon...and sometimes it seems that people magically diagnose themselves with gluten intolerance or celiac disease without proper medical screenings. To those people, faking a disease is not cool. And unless you do have celiac, gluten is perfectly fine for you to eat. This is now becoming a huge marketing crutch.

Our bodies weren't made to process such things as gluten and processed foods... I've found that gluten actually makes me break out with horrible acne. You still get all of your carbs and fibers if you're eating correctly on a gluten free diet. For example, whole grain rolled oats, bananas, coconut flours, almond meal, kidney beans... I could go on and on with foods NATURALLY containing high fibers and carbs, rather than highly processed breads high in sugar and chemicals, let alone gluten. Healthy foods are pricey for a reason!

Gluten free isn't the answer for weight loss

I've been coeliac for ten years and it is the hardest thing I've ever had to do

It's a hoax.

Unless you've been tested thoroughly, and have medical proof that you have celiac disease, you should not fall for this goofy trend. It seems to me that people are choosing the most unusual diets. That the more far out they are, the better and cooler a person will be. I don't think so.... Actually your diet won't make you a better person, your behavior will!

Usually results are due to the initial shock the body endures when making such drastic changes.. See how you feel in 3 yrs and then decide ...

I disagree with this, our bodies a hard time digesting gluten as it is

I have type 1 diabetes and since i started a gluten free/poor dieet my iron deficiency has gone up and it has been low my whole life, not only that but i dont need insulin anymore wich is amazing, i agree its hard and i wouldnt do it if id didnt make these big of a changes ( and because my parets force me to 😂 ) but iam glad i dont need insulin because of gluten free anymore

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