10 Great Reasons to Smile ...


10 Great Reasons to Smile ...
10 Great Reasons to Smile ...

Did you know there are some healthy reasons to smile? As much as a smile can lift your own mood and make other people happy, there are internal benefits of smiling too. It’s nice to know that smiling wide is good on more fronts than just making you and the people around you feel happier. Read these great reasons to smile and you’ll not need any more excuses to flash those pearly whites.

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1. The Tonic of the Smile on the Immune System

Among the benefits of smiling is that it alters the body’s chemistry by relaxing it, steadying breathing, and also lowering the heart rate. All of which add up to you having a stronger and healthier immune system. Be sure to smile a lot during cold and flu season then!

2. The Benefit of the 60-second Grin

Are you aware that psychologists have found that among the benefits of smiling for one minute, serotonin is released in the body? This causes you to experience a mood change that takes you from sadness to happiness. Even if you are forcing the smile to appear on your face, you will undergo this wonderful mood change and feel all the better for it.


Smiling has been proven to have a plethora of health benefits. Studies have shown that smiling can reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and boost the immune system. Smiling can also improve the mood of those around you, as it is contagious. Smiling can also make you appear more attractive, increase self-confidence, and even increase your lifespan. Smiling can also help you to connect with others, as it is a sign of trust and openness. Additionally, smiling can help to reduce pain and even help to reduce wrinkles. Finally, smiling can help to create a positive mindset, allowing you to approach life with a more optimistic outlook.

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3. Saying Thank-you is a Reason to Smile

One of the most pleasant reasons to smile is to say thank you. The British Dental Heath Foundation claim that one of the benefits of smiling is that the smile creates the same emotional reaction of producing a natural high equal to eating 2,000 bars of chocolate. That's a lot of Dairy Milk!

4. Smiling is a Great Benefit for Lowering Blood Pressure

Through the process of smiling, endorphins rise, causing your blood pressure to lower. People whose blood pressure was monitored before and again after smiling have shown a difference that is quite considerable. If that’s not one of the best reasons to smile, what is?

5. Stand out from the Crowd with That Smile

When going for a job interview, smile. Among the benefits of smiling is that a person with a lovely smile on their face stands a far better chance of standing apart from all other applicants than a person with a boring and bland look on their face. Nobody wants negativity in their employ. Remember, it must be a smile and not an inane grin – you don’t want your interviewer thinking you are simple!

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6. The Attraction of a Warm Smile

A pleasant, attractive smile has the ability of being heart melting. It immediately warms you to other people and you are considered as being authentic, trustworthy, maybe flirtatious and definitely real in all that you do. Furthermore, studies have shown that a long-onset smile (0.5s onset) usually belongs to people that are not over-powering or dominant.

7. Smile Your Way up the Promotional Ladder

Smiling is a benefit if you are hoping for a promotion in your job. People with a smile on their face look alive and keen to work. It is well-known that a smile plays a major role in physical attractiveness, making others more aware of your presence. Furthermore, psychological research into the topic has shown the facts that people with an attractive smile are seen to be more intelligent, friendly and successful in what they do.

8. Smiling Your Way to a Longer Life Expectancy

A positive attitude to life is a reason to smile, as a positive attitude has been shown to increase one’s life expectancy. Research done at Columbia University found that people who are happy are less likely to develop problems with their heart. So smile wide, you'll live a longer, happier life.

9. The Natural Time Retarder

By smiling, you are actually undergoing a natural face life. As you smile, your facial cells plump up, giving you a radiant and appealing glow and making you look much younger. A study by Orbit Complete revealed that sixty-nine percent of people find that women are more attractive when smiling than when they are wearing make-up.

10. Brightening the Lives of Others with Your Smile

From "How to Win Friends and Influence People" Dale Carnegie states, "Benefits of smiling costs nothing, but creates much." This is so true of reasons to smile and often warmly memorable to the receiver.

Who’d have thought there were so many benefits to smiling? It costs nothing, it takes no effort and it does you and the others around you good. What are your reasons to smile today?

Top Image Source: fashiongonerogue.com

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