9 Health Resolutions You Might Want to Make for 2015 ...


It’s that time of the year again when everyone is making New Year resolutions and I’m reminded of all the health resolutions I made last year and never kept! But this New Year is going to be different. I’m going to take it slow and you should too. The first thing to do is make a list that is doable and not overwhelming. So read on to find the 9 health resolutions you might want to make for 2015 (and actually keep).

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Sleep on Time

The easiest things are often the hardest to do. And sleeping on time is definitely part of that category. One of the first health resolutions you might want to make for 2015 is to sleep on time – something that is getting increasingly difficult thanks to smart phones and social media. So turn those phones off and get a good night’s rest. You’ll start to feel happier and healthier in just a few days!



This is probably the one health resolution that is on everyone’s list. With our lifestyle becoming more and more sedentary, we need to make an effort to exercise and give our body some much-needed activity. So resolve to make that extra effort in 2015 and take a little time out each day or each week (depending on your schedule) to get in a little exercise. You’ll find you have more energy and are looking better than ever in just a short while!


Beat the Caffeine Addiction

I can’t be the only one who needs her coffee fix right? But as awesome as you feel after your coffee, you and I both know that too much caffeine really isn’t good for the body. And then there are all the colas we guzzle! So not good! So why not make a resolution this year to cut down on the caffeine addiction and try drinking healthier beverages instead.


Drink More Water

As obvious as this sounds, if you think about it, we don’t really drink too much water in the course of a regular day. We’ll have coffee, tea, juices, colas, milkshakes and even alcohol when thirsty. But good old water is often at the end of our list. Resolve to drink more water in 2015 and you’ll find yourself with better skin and a healthier body. Water helps flush out toxins in your body and helps your skin look smoother. And who doesn’t want that right?


Don’t Skip Meals

On busy days, food is often our last priority. Only when you sit down to dinner do you realize you hadn’t eaten a bite since a hurried breakfast 12 hours prior. This is far from being a healthy habit. In 2015, make a health resolution to not skip meals. Even if you have a small bite to eat, make sure you do it. Keeping your body hungry for long stretches of time is not a good idea. It’ll only set the grounds for conditions like hyperacidity etc.

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Eat More Vegetables and Fruits

Haven’t we been hearing this since childhood from our mothers and grandmothers? They were right you know. Vegetables and fruits contain a lot of essential nutrients and are super healthy food. If possible, veggies should be part of every meal and fruits make for very yummy and healthy snacks. So the next time you go grocery shopping, make sure you stock up on fresh vegetables and fruits and enjoy all the health benefits they offer!


Cut down on Sugar

Sugar does make the world a happier place but it also makes for an unhealthy diet. I’m not saying deprive your self of sugar. No one should be made to live without cake in my opinion. But in 2015, try and cut back on how much sugar you consume. You’ll find yourself much fitter that way and then when you do eat your favorite sweet treat, it’ll be so much more yummy!


Get Regular Medical Checks

This might sound unnecessary but the one way to ensure your good health is to get regular medical checks done. This becomes even more important if you have family history of cancer, heart disease, diabetes etc so that any changes in your good health can be identified well in time to help you. Take care of yourself by getting quarterly or bi-annual checks done.


Take up a Relaxing Hobby

As simple as this might sound, doing something you enjoy and that relaxes you is very good for your health. After all the stresses of daily living and the workplace, of juggling between children and the husband and even struggling to keep up with friends, sometimes all you need is a little time to do what you want. So take up a hobby that relaxes you. It could be reading, crocheting, swimming or even bowling. Anything that helps you feel better!

Your health is the most important thing you have. And you need to remember to take care of it in the New Year. 2015 should be the year you became the fittest and healthiest ever. Eat well, sleep longer and stay relaxed. Take up these health resolutions in 2015 and become a happier person. Do you have any more health resolutions you think should be part of this list? Let us know!

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