10 Healthy Snacks for Teens ...


10 Healthy Snacks for Teens ...
10 Healthy Snacks for Teens ...

If you’re a busy on-the-go teen with loads to do and not enough time in the day to do it, then you probably need a pile of healthy snacks to get you through the day… but with so many snacks to choose from, how do you know what to pack? You’ll want a healthy snack to cheer you up and perk you up and keep you going through school and work and homework and just hanging out with your friends. I can help! Here are 10 healthy snacks for teens (or any other busy gal)…

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1. Fresh Berries

A handful of fresh strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, or raspberries is a great way to get a natural energy boost, and a healthy helping of vitamins. Snag even more health benefits by mixing your fresh berries… which are your favorites?

2. Nuts

A handful of almonds will curb even the saltiest of salt cravings, and won’t ruin your diet or weight you down with grease, like chips can. Be careful to avoid the almonds that are coated in yoghurt or sugar or honey… stick to the lightly salted varieties.

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3. Banana

If you’re always on the run, keep your muscles from cramping and your belly from growling by grabbing a small banana. They pack easily into your school bag, and taste so sweet. A small banana has less than 100 calories, and is loaded with potassium.

4. Carrots and Fat-free Ranch

Love the crunch! Even if you’re not a fan of plain fresh carrots, this is a healthy snack you just have to try… so dip them in fat-free or low-fat ranch for a super-tasty treat. Delish!

5. Whole-grain Pita and Hummus

Keep fuller, longer, with a handful of whole-grain pitas and two tablespoons of hummus. This fiber-rich healthy snack will give you the energy to keep you going, and it will also help you feel satisfied and full between meals.

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6. Citrus Fruit

It’s been scientifically proven that eating, or even just smelling, citrus fruits will improve your mood… and that the vitamin C can even boost your immunity! Pack a couple of Cuties (easy-to-feel, extra sweet citrus fruits) in your bag and keep happy and healthy all day long!

7. Popcorn

You don’t have to be watching a movie to enjoy this tasty treat! As long as you’re not dousing your popcorn in oil, butter, salt, or caramel, it can actually be a very healthy snack. Air pop some at night, then keep a baggie in your school bag for a snack you can share.

8. Popchips!

Fitness guru Jillian Michaels loves these, especially the BBQ and sweet potato varieties, and I do too — they’re so delicious! They also come in handy, portable 100-calorie snack packs, perfect for munching on the go…

9. Juice Bars

Make you own healthy snack by freezing your fave fruit juice. Be sure to pick a variety that’s not loaded with added sugar or high fructose corn syrup. Also remember that mixed fruit juices are healthier than single-fruit juice… strawberry kiwi freezer pop, anyone?

10. Apples!

It’s true — a apple a day really can keep the doctor away! Apples are an ideal healthy snack because they’re so easy to carry, and because, with so many varieties to choose from, there’s bound to be an apple you’ll love! Want something a little tart? Try a Granny Smith! Love sweet and crisp? Try a Red Delicious or Honeycrisp. Yum!

With so many delicious, convenient healthy snacks to choose from, there’s no reason to be hungry and cranky and tired ever again! Which of these healthy snacks will you keep with you, to eat yourself or to share? Or is there another healthy snack you love? Do tell!

Top Image Source: weheartit.com

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loved this cant wait to try them all!

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