7 Hidden Signs of Depression You Might Not Be Aware of ...

Heather Jun 2, 2024

7 Hidden Signs of Depression You Might Not Be Aware of ...
7 Hidden Signs of Depression You Might Not Be Aware of ...

There are many hidden signs of depression that many people tend to ignore in themselves every single day, with lack of hope for better days ahead. I know so many people that just think life is hard and suffering is all part of it. Well, I know firsthand just how hard life can be, and how it can lead to depression without you even realizing it. I also know what it’s like to suffer from depression due to genetic components, and medical conditions. Even your weight and activity levels can influence depression. Unless you’re aware of the hidden signs of depression, it can be easy to overlook. Be sure you know what the signs are so that you can keep yourself and your loved ones healthy, happy and living actively to prevent depression.

1. Lack of Motivation

One of the many hidden signs of depression is the lack of motivation. It’s almost a constant, day to day issue that people with depression face. Not wanting to work, do any hobbies you usually enjoy, or even cook yourself a meal can all be signs of a lack of motivation caused by depression. This is natural once in a while, but on a day to day basis, it isn’t something you should be dealing with.


When those feelings persist, they can interfere with daily functioning, leading to a decrease in productivity at work or school. It's essential to recognize these changes as potential signals rather than simply a bad day or a fleeting mood. If you’re finding that the drive to engage in even the simplest tasks is consistently diminished, it could be an underlying symptom of depression. It might manifest as a struggle to get out of bed in the morning or a sense of purposelessness that hampers your desire to move forward with your goals.

2. Lowered Immunity

Another hidden sign of depression is low immunity. Many people don’t realize that their low immunity is caused by depression, but consistent low moods lead can lead you to exercise or move less during the day and eat poorly. Whether that means eating unhealthy foods, or foods that lack enough calories for your body, both can lead to low immunity. If you are constantly getting sick and suffer a low mood, chances are that you’re suffering depression.


Similarly, the psychological strain of depression may impact the body’s stress regulation system, particularly the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, which can disrupt cortisol levels. Cortisol is sometimes referred to as the stress hormone, and it plays a pivotal role in immune system regulation. When its levels are unbalanced due to emotional distress, our bodies become more susceptible to infections and diseases. It's crucial to recognize these subtle signals; elevated stress levels and frequent illness could be your body's cry for help, indicating that it's time to seek support or treatment.

3. Isolation

One major sign that signals depression is the desire to be alone more, or actually fearing being around others. Or, perhaps you have actively chosen to isolate yourself from people. Keeping to yourself, avoiding all social interactions, even if that means work, church and school, and wanting to stay home all the time when you normally don’t, are all signs of depression. There is a huge difference between being introverted and naturally being happier in your own space, than fearing social situations and suffering depression. Be sure you know which category you fall into.


Feeling disconnected isn't always obvious, especially if you're used to soldiering on alone. But when you start declining invitations from friends, or you can't muster the energy to participate in activities you once loved, take note. This retreat isn't about relishing solo time; it's a shift where solitude feels safer than the vulnerability of social scenes. If you're dodging calls or recoiling at the idea of small talk, it's worth exploring these reactions. Even digital communication feels laborious, and your online world shrinks as you pull back from the connections that once mattered.

4. Unhealthy Eating Habits

If you’re skipping meals during the day and then binging at night, or suffering from an eating disorder, these are both signs of depression to be aware of. Unhealthy eating habits often go overlooked and aren’t always recognized as symptoms. However, it’s easy to tell if you pay close attention. If you find yourself burying your boredom, self-pity, or stress levels in the jar of peanut butter, you’re probably suffering from depression.


Often, emotional eating is a significant indicator. You might find solace in sweets or other comfort foods without a genuine hunger cue—this self-soothing behavior with food to compensate for feelings of sadness or emptiness can exacerbate the cycle of depression. Conversely, some might completely lose their appetite or have a neglectful attitude towards nutrition. It's important to recognize these fluctuations in eating patterns as potential silent screams for help. Addressing such habits might reveal underlying emotional challenges needing attention.

5. Constant Fatigue

Many people suffer constant fatigue and just want to rest all the time, or sleep most of the day. If you find yourself constantly fatigued day to day, check with your doctor to make sure you don’t have a medical issue. If not, consider your mood. If you’ve had a low mood recently, the pain you have through your body is might be a sign of depression. Suffering a low sense of well being can actually stimulate inflammation in the body that leads to joint pain. Inactivity only makes this worse, so be sure to stay aware of this issue so it doesn’t happen to you.


Feeling weary beyond the usual tiredness after a long day could be a red flag. Ensure you’re getting adequate rest and incorporating a wholesome diet, as nutrient deficiencies often add to fatigue. Hydration and exercise are also key in combatting lethargy. Remember, your mental health and physical well-being are closely linked. If your usual activities no longer energize you and fatigue is your constant companion, it’s a signal you shouldn’t ignore. A healthcare professional can provide assessments and guidance to rejuvenate your spirit and address potential underlying conditions contributing to your fatigue.

6. Insomnia

One other hidden sign of depression that often goes unnoticed, or overlooked is insomnia. If you’re up at night wide awake with your thoughts and worries, then you might be suffering depression. Don’t worry too much, since insomnia affects millions of Americans daily, but do be aware of it so you can take preventative measures. Don’t keep going without sleep, whatever you do. Lack of sleep can actually cause depression, which makes it a vicious cycle to get out of.


Struggling with sleeplessness frequently could be a subtle warning that your mental health needs attention. It's essential to recognize that while tossing and turning occasionally is common, consistent difficulty in falling or staying asleep might be your mind's way of signaling distress. Engage in calming bedtime rituals and create a sleep-conducive environment; these steps can help foster better sleep hygiene. If insomnia persists, consider consulting a healthcare professional, as timely intervention can prevent the further impact on your overall well-being.

7. Low Sex Drive

The last hidden sign of depression I’d like to mention that people often blame on hormones, is a low sex drive. Technically, hormones are to blame, but not just your sex hormones. Serotonin, the “happy” hormone as I like to call it, is responsible for increasing your sense of well being. When it is low, naturally other hormones in the body are affected, and you might be less likely to think about love and romance. If this is an issue for you, be sure to eat more foods that produce serotonin in the body and increase libido. Great choices are lean animal protein, maca powder, cacao, and hemp protein.

When taking daily measures to fight depression, the best things you can do are to eat foods that boost your hormones, and also exercise daily. My favorites include lean protein, vegetables, low sugar fruits, gluten-free grains like oatmeal, and superfoods like cacao, maca, goji and hemp. I also make sure to exercise daily at least 40 minutes to get in a natural mood booster. I’ve found that over the years, these have been the two most effective things to fight a battle with lifelong depression I’ve had, along with getting enough rest. What are some hidden signs of depression that you are familiar with?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Very informative. It's great to stay aware. We all have control over our body and minds, but its up to us to realize that sometimes we may need to seek help and that does not make us weak. It makes us strong for taking the first step.

The first one has been affected me for years and I thought I was just lazy. It's been horrible for confidence. I have been diagnosed with major depression and now I'm getting the help I needed.

I think I'm just lazy, not depressed. Is that a symptom? Not admitting to being tired all the time, uninterested in anything, being down on oneself?

I think the biggest problem beside having depression is being unable to treat due to social issues and unacceptability of those around you to what you have.

Go to a doctor if you think you may have depression since you could have none of these and still be depressed. It really depends on the person. I had a high sex drive, ate healthy, and didn't have insomnia but still got diagnosed as suffering from depression.

Good article! I really did not have a clue. I think I am recovering right now, but I was so terribly tired, everything seemed so useless, and I did not like my hobbies anymore. Going to work felt like climbing Mount Everest. Every day those horribly stupid and narrow minded coworkers.... This is really silly: I should have known, since in the past few months I accompanied a relative with a depression to the shrink. I do not think I want to see a doctor, I do not want to take medicine. I have been feeling like this before and I am absolutely not suicidal. I also tend to isolate, but when a friend calls and suggests to meet, I usually am glad. I always tell myself to be grateful and that works a little bit. Good food, enough sleep and yoga help as well. But maybe I am wrong... If this lasts too long I might as well get help. Thank you anyway for the information.

My God, now I know, I can also,relate to this since I just found out I have all the signs...!

I have all all but one of these signs. im a fighter but wen will the fighting end and life begins?

I was diagnosed with depression a year ago and these are definitely symptoms of depression. If any of you ladies show these symptoms, please go see your GP or doctor as soon as you can. It's really dangerous to leave depression untreated :)

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