7 New Ways to Fight Fall Stress at Work ...

Kati Sep 23, 2013

Fall stress is an actual thing. Yep, psychologists and doctors have been studying our stress habits, and found that the end of summer brings around more than just a warmer wardrobe. We feel a lot more anxious, too. Gone are the longer lunchtimes, sunnier days and easier breaks, and instead we focus on staying warm and boosting our career. If you are feeling the fall stress in full force, though, you need to take steps to keep it under control. Here are some of the best tips I’ve been trying:

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1. Mix up Your Mornings…

The change in weather is thought to be a big cause of fall stress, so combating it is an excellent start. Rather than clinging to your bed for an extra 10 minutes in the morning, kick off the duvets and make your way to the office or classroom. Once you get there, do a quick overview of your tasks for the day, and glance over the week as a whole. Take a few breaths and calm yourself before you jump into work, ready to go rather than stressed and rushed.

2. Throw It Away…

Use the change in seasons as a cue to clean up, and sort out your desk. Throw away any old papers or files, give the place a dust and buy a desk tidy if you have spare pens or post it notes everywhere. If your desk is tidy, your brain is tidy, and you’ll get more done. If you get on a cleaning streak, try cleaning out your inbox, too.

3. Keep a Diary…

Try noting down what causes you stress at work for a while. After a few weeks, you’ll soon be able to identify whether it’s a certain project, client, task or person that triggers your stress point, and then you’ll be able to work on controlling that. If you also note down when you are feeling motivated and creative, you’ll give yourself enough information to re-order your schedule based on how well your brain works at different parts of the day. You’ll be productive and on fire.

4. Find Solutions…

If you do identify something that causes a lot of stress at work, deal with it. Book a meeting with your manager, and think of some solutions to the problem. Go in with a positive attitude, and a desire to solve the problem. Suggest solutions, and explain the issue clearly. Work towards a solution that will help you, and keep everyone else happy. It’s really not as hard as it may seem!

5. Find a Focus…

What do you love about work? Mentoring junior staff? Working on a particular project? Doing reports? Find something that really makes you love your job, and try to find a way to do more of it. Not only will this naturally fight stress and make you happier, but you’ll work harder at the more boring aspects of your job to ensure you have time for the funner bits, so you’ll be more productive too. That’s a definite win, right?!

6. Get Happy…

Happy people are much less likely to succumb to stress, so make sure you’ve got a playlist that makes you smile, and a link to that yawning panda on YouTube. If you are feeling positive, your brain is 31% more productive, and you’ll look friendlier too. Do whatever you can to make yourself smile at work. A photo of your family, a few minutes looking at funny videos at lunch, anything. If it restores a smile to your face, you’ll feel the stress melt away.

7. Get Ready…

Of course, you can’t fight all fall stress, and if it comes, you need to be ready. Build an emergency kit to deal with it, and it’ll feel much less catastrophic. A bottle of water at your desk will keep you hydrated, and an emergency chocolate bar is a must-have. Keeping a really, really cute kitten photo bookmarked is a good idea, too.

Dealing with fall stress can be tough. The changing seasons are hard on everyone, and losing the sun for cooler days and darker nights is no fun! Go easy on yourself, though, and try to keep your brain productive and happy. It’s worth the extra effort in the long run! Got a tip for fighting fall stress? I’d love to hear it!

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