7 Reasons It is More Important to Be Healthy Not Skinny ...


I would rather be healthy, not skinny. Many women strive to be skinny or slim in order to live up to the image society has set as beautiful. I dare to say that beauty doesn’t come from a cookie cutter. Beauty is in all shapes and sizes. That shape isn’t always skinny. Some find the curves of a woman's body to be the most beautiful thing created on this earth. I tend to agree. I know that I have a body shape that will never classify as skinny. That is why I challenge myself and others to to be healthy, not skinny.

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Skinny Doesn’t Mean Healthy

Just because you see a girl that is slim doesn’t mean that she is healthy. Health comes from eating right, working out, and getting good sleep. Plenty of girls are skinny because of genetics, but poor habits can make them just as likely to have heart disease, stroke, and other health conditions as someone who is obese. Wouldn’t you rather be healthy, not skinny?


Skinny Doesn’t Mean Lean

Not everyone who is slim has good muscle tone either. How many times have you heard that fad diets may help you lose weight, but you are also going to lose muscle tone? A person who is skinny but has never worked out or lifted weights lacks major muscle tone. They are what some would call skinny fat.


Be Real

Realistically speaking, skinny isn’t an option for everyone. We all have different body types and shapes. Some of us have more curves and others not so much. You can’t change your shape. If you were born to have curves, those curves are going to be there no matter what your weight or pant size. You can’t turn a circle into a rectangle. It’s just not realistic.


How do You Feel?

What’s most important than how you look is how you feel. If you feel rested and well when you wake up then you are off to a great start. Keep that momentum going by making healthy choices for your body the rest of the day. Being healthy starts on the inside and will eventually show on the outside.



Most of the images we see of celebrities and models that crowd the magazine shelves are Photoshopped. They’ve been altered to fit someone else's standard of beauty. While we may think they look great in these pictures, it’s not always real. They are people too. Even the finest celebrity wakes up with bags under her eyes, cellulite on her thighs and a couple spots on her body that she’s not happy with. Many of these women are just as beautiful in their natural, un-Photoshopped pictures.

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Doctor’s Report

The real measure of health comes from the doctor's office, not the scale. Your weight only has a small portion to do with your overall health. Have your doctor run a panel of blood work and other test to find out just how healthy or unhealthy you really are. Use these results to fuel your self-improvement. Focus on lowering cholesterol and blood pressure, gaining more muscle and decreasing body fat.


Skinny Doesn’t Equal Happy

Sometimes I hear my friends say, “If I was just skinny like her, I would be so happy.” My question is, “What does she have other than a body that is different than yours?” It is easy to look at someone and feel jealous of what they have, but until you know what it took them to get there or what their life is really like, you can’t say you would be happy if you had the same. Happiness is more than a number on a scale or the size of jeans you slide into. You can be happy and overweight. You can be sad and skinny.

How do you feel about being healthy over being skinny? Is being skinny worth jeopardizing your health?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I'm so tired of reading articles that in order to make larger women feel better about themselves, make smaller women sound like they starve themselves and run away from chocolate bars. I have a small frame but I'm perfectly healthy, I eat well and exercise I don't live on a diet 24/7. I'm just naturally this way and I'm happy with it. How apart an article on how to be healthy and happy whatever your size!

The point is: stop trying to be something you're not. If you're not naturally skinny, striving to be that isn't healthy. I'm naturally skinny, but would be right next to the author in the gym, getting stronger and eating healthily. Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes.

I'm naturally skinny and very happy.. Why should I be made feel bad about the fact that I'm naturally this way! I don't starve myself, I eat healthy, I love my treats too and don't obsess about how I have less curves than curvier girls! I workout to stay toned and fit..why should I be portrayed as unhealthy and an unideal size compared to larger women?!

I must have missed the article that said "healthy eating, toned, naturally skinning people" are extremely unhealthy. Get real people. Don't be so offensive and on the edge of your seat ready to be angry at people who tell the truth. Hey... How about we be positive!

Skinny people will never understand, yes I know slim people can be teased also, but overweight people have it the hardest; when overweight people get made fun of its more negative. A guy in my class once said he would rather his girlfriend be anorexic than a little chubby and she just laughed. I'm pretty sure skinny people are glad they aren't fat. It bothers me how I constantly have to watch what I eat to stay slim, but of course life's not fair.

I'm naturally skinny as well. I had bigger people put my weight down. Saying I'm sick, all I eat is salad which is not true. Then hearing men say, they rather have a thick woman and the society. I had suffered from low self esteem, unlike women who try to lose weight to be small, I used to try to gain weight. But couldn't. I learned the hard way about loving myself for the way I am. But just like some women want to be slim, some women want to be bigger. We all are beautiful the way we are. Who care what people say, society or whatever say. Love yourself!

I'm sorry that some people are naturally skinny, I get a lot of hate from people saying that I'm trying to lose weight but I eat healthy and I honestly can't gain weight

And people who think they are fat and are like the same skinny size as bloody Taylor swift, stop honestly it shits me

All these things in the world on how to lose weight, how about the ones that want to put on weight? It's not all daisies and roses looking like a stick your whole life not being able to put on weight unless you do it in an extremely unhealthy way..

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