7 Reasons Why Not Drinking is Just as Much Fun as Drinking ...


7 Reasons Why Not Drinking is Just as Much Fun as Drinking ...
7 Reasons Why Not Drinking is Just as Much Fun as Drinking ...

There are lots of reasons why not drinking is just as much fun as drinking. Do you think you’d find it hard to not drink on a night out? It's one thing to like a glass of wine, but it’s another if you feel like you need it to get through a night. Recently I have been opting for white wine and soda minus the wine, and have discovered that not drinking is completely underrated. Here are only 7 of the many reasons why not drinking is just as fun as drinking.

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How many times have you buried your head in your pillow in shame the morning after a big night out as you replayed your actions? Feeling shame is just one of the reasons why not drinking is just as much fun as drinking. Not drinking proves better than drinking when you can rest assured that you did not tell your best friend you fancy her brother and nor did you break out your ‘look at me, I have a tail’ dance.



As everyone around you deteriorates, you and your not drinking self will remain as gorgeous as you were when the night began. Not drinking is far more fun than drinking, especially when the lights go on at 2am and everyone, bar you (and the random dude that forgot to hide) is cowering from the lights.



Drink wine, cocktails or any other alcohol all night and your purse will pay. Not drinking is far more fun than drinking as you save oodles of cash to spend on things other than dirty kebabs, hangovers and embarrassing dance moves.



Ever observed a crowd of people who are drinking? Who needs a band, bar or club when you are surrounded by people who are willingly making fools of themselves? There is nothing better than a drunk person to show you how much funnier (and less cringe worthy) it is to not drink than it is to drink.



Everyone deserves love, no doubt. But let's be honest, had you realised that that guy was actually 22, living at home with his Mom and overtly gay, you would not have gone there. This is where not drinking saves your toosh — no more beer goggles means no more regrets.

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The Sober Card

The sober card is like your get out of jail free card. It means you have the final word when it comes to any disputes about the night. When you don’t drink, it immediately makes you the most responsible person at the party, how you wish to use that new found title is entirely up to you!


Day & Night

One of my favourite things about not drinking is the morning after. When your friends are still passed out cold on their mascara covered pillows, you are up and ready to start your day. Not drinking gives you more hours in each day and leaves you with more energy to do the things that actually make you feel good.

Most of us like a drink from time to time and there is nothing wrong with that. However rather than assume a night out means drinking, it’s nice to know that we have a choice and both choices are just as good as each other. What do you think? Is sober just as good or is a night out not the same without a drink or two?

Feedback Junction

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TRUE. learned it the hard way yesterday

Awesome article! I swear so many people need this! Bookmarked this article too! :)

this post is just what i needed! i felt a little sorry being pregnant just in time for new year's (my favorite day of the year). thanks!

I totally needed to read this with the holidays here too. I am pregnant and wondering if I'm missing the fun, thanks!

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