Secrets to Remember from Women Who Never Get Sick ...


Secrets to Remember from Women Who Never Get Sick  ...
Secrets to Remember from Women Who Never Get Sick  ...

You don't want to spend the season sneezing and coughing. That's why you should follow Good Housekeeping's advice and use these secrets from women who never get sick:

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1. Have a Set Bedtime

Have a Set Bedtime Make sure you get eight hours of sleep per night.

2. Eat Antioxidant-rich Foods

Eat Antioxidant-rich Foods These are foods like sweet potatoes, citrus, almonds, and red grapes.

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3. Take a Probiotic Supplement

Take a Probiotic Supplement They contain helpful bacteria, which can boost your immune system.

4. Wash Your Hands

Wash Your Hands Don't do so constantly, just do it before you eat, after you prepare food, after you use the bathroom, and after you sneeze or cough.

5. Get Social Support

Get Social Support When you're feeling stressed, hang out with your best group of friends

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6. Practice Yoga

Practice Yoga Breathing exercises can strengthen your immune system, you know.

What other things do you do to keep your body healthy?

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For me it's walking yoga and eating sufficiently healthily and also being naughty now and again heheheh


This post taught me absolutely nothing new smh

Sweat, via cardiovascular exercise, like walking. Also drink lots of water!

I think proper clothing in winter season counts as well. I get bad migraine if don't cover my head in cold.

I haven't been sick in 3 years... I am always washing my hands, eating healthy, and always exercising

And, yoga does nothing to help you at all

It`s impossible not to get sick

I ,Eat my water & vitamins.

Never touch eyes or nose. Many have this as a subconscious habit, but it gives germs a direct passage.

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