8 Signs That Your Friend is Toxic ...


8 Signs That Your Friend is Toxic ...
8 Signs That Your Friend is Toxic ...

Ever feel like your friend’s subtly shady actions could be signs that your friend is toxic? Ever have concerns about whether she’s your true blue pal or arch nemesis? I think we’ve all felt apprehensive at one time about whether a friend truly has our back or is getting ready to stab us in the back. Check for these 8 signs that your friend is toxic to determine if it’s time to dump your friend.

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1. She Only Calls when She Needs Something

This is one of the most common signs of a selfish friend and a sure sign that your friend is toxic. Good relationships should be balanced, and if you are always going out of your way to help your friend but she’s nowhere to be found when you need someone, this is a definite no-no. Some friends might be going through a tough time and need you on the regular, but the key here is that she’s never there to help you.


This behavior can also be a sign of a selfish and self-centered personality. According to psychologists, selfish individuals tend to only prioritize their own needs and desires, often at the expense of others. They may also lack empathy and have difficulty understanding or considering the feelings of others. This can lead to a one-sided and unhealthy friendship where you are constantly giving and receiving little in return. It's important to recognize this behavior and set boundaries to protect your own well-being. Remember, a true friend should be there for you in good times and bad, not just when they need something from you.

2. It’s All about Her

Do you ever feel like your conversations with your friend revolve only around her and the drama in her life? And when you try to bring something up about yourself it inevitably results in the convo focusing back on her? This is another characteristic of a toxic friend! How is she even a friend if she doesn’t care to keep up on your life? Chatterboxes aside, if your friend’s only interest is to talk about herself and not even take the time to listen to you in casual chit-chat, she’s a bad friend.


Toxic friends can have a negative impact on our mental and emotional well-being. According to a study by the University of California, Los Angeles, spending time with toxic friends can lead to increased stress levels and feelings of loneliness. This is because toxic friends tend to be self-absorbed and lack empathy, making it difficult for them to truly listen and support their friends. Additionally, constantly being the focus of conversation can be draining and leave us feeling unimportant in the friendship. It's important to recognize these signs and address them in order to maintain healthy and fulfilling friendships.

3. Being around Her Wears You out

If lunch dates and cocktail hours with your friend leave you feeling mentally drained and exhausted, it could be a sign that you friend is toxic. Does your friend have a billion problems, needs endless favors and reassurance about her appearance all before the first round of drinks? We all have our moments when we have drama and need favors, but if every get-together leaves you feeling like you just completed an Iron Man triathlon; it could be time to break up with your friend.


Toxic friendships can have a negative impact on our mental health and well-being. According to a study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, people who have toxic friends are more likely to experience symptoms of depression and anxiety. Additionally, constantly being around someone who is constantly seeking validation and attention can be emotionally draining. This can lead to feelings of exhaustion and burnout. If you find yourself feeling exhausted after spending time with a friend, it may be a sign that the friendship is toxic and it may be time to reevaluate the relationship.

4. She Mocks You

Life is hard enough without having a shady-lady friend who enjoys picking on us. Does your friend ever turn your appearance, choice in men, movie picks, etc. into comedy hour? Sure, it’s cool to playfully poke fun at friends at times, like that time you accidentally farted in front of your crush, but there’s a fine line between playing around and putting someone down. If she acts like a bully, it’s time to move on from your toxic friend!


Toxic friendships can have a negative impact on our mental and emotional well-being. According to a study by researchers at UCLA, toxic friendships can lead to increased stress levels and decreased self-esteem. In addition to mocking, other signs of a toxic friend include constantly putting you down, being overly critical, and being manipulative. These behaviors can lead to feelings of insecurity and self-doubt. It's important to recognize these signs and distance yourself from toxic friends in order to maintain a healthy and positive support system. Surrounding yourself with positive and supportive friends can greatly improve your overall well-being.

5. She Gossips about You

We all get caught up in gossip on occasion but when you have a friend who gossips about you, it’s an indubitable sign to dump your friend. If you’ve caught her telling your secrets, spreading rumors or gossip, get out now! Your life is not a means of entertainment for others and she shouldn’t be spilling secrets when she swore she’d never tell.


Gossiping can be harmful to both the gossiper and the person being talked about. It can damage relationships and trust, as well as create a toxic environment. According to a study published in the Journal of Applied Social Psychology, women tend to gossip more than men and are more likely to spread negative information. This can be especially damaging in friendships, as it can lead to feelings of betrayal and hurt. It's important to recognize when a friend is gossiping about you and to set boundaries to protect your personal information. Remember, true friends respect and value your privacy.

6. She’s a Habitual Flake

Life gets busy, we have a million things going on at one time, but we’d like to depend on our friends to come through on plans. If your BFF is constantly cancelling plans or dropping her plans with you for a guy, it’s a sign that your friend is toxic. If she’s consistently putting you second to everything else, why bother making time for her when she doesn’t have time for you?

7. She’s Constantly Competing with You

Some competition can be healthy, I agree, but if everything in your friendship turns into a competition, it’s another sign your friend is toxic. Competition between friends should be healthy, fun and bring out the best in you two. If your "friendly competitions" are turning into crazy games and bragging contests, it can get unhealthy and draining.

8. She’s Dangerous

Dangerous meaning she’s into drugs, crime, or anything that can possibly place herself or you in any danger. Perhaps she’s gotten into drugs or her new boyfriend has ties to some unsavory characters; whatever the case, if she’s bringing you into unsafe and uncomfortable situations, it’s time to move on from your friend.

It’s always hard to break up with a friend, but if these signs that your friend is toxic sound familiar, you’re better off without them. Yes, you will miss them and it won’t be easy, but your health and sanity are paramount to bad friends with toxic behavior.

Top Image Source: weheartit.com

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Me and my best friend have been friends since grade 3 and now we're in grade 7. Let's say her name is maddy. Maddy has been ditching me and my other best friend Kate. She never hangs out with us anymore. Yesterday she said that we could sit with her and then she went and sat with other people. It really ticked me off. She never ever texts me anymore. I don't think she wants to be friends with me and I don't want be friends with her anymore. The people she hangs out with made fun of me in front of her and she didn't even care. I just am really mad at her. What should I do just stop trying to talk to her? Please help Ps sorry this is so long

Love this article! It's so right and was one of the catalysts in finally getting rid of my toxic friends...slowly yet surely.

I have this friend she runs away(literally) when she does not get her way and she acts like a bitch! What do I do?

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